Axxis - Time Machine


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
Axxis – Time Machine
Afm Records – AFM073-2 - 2004
By Rodrigo Escandon


In an effort to be fair and partial, and not have any preconceptions about yet another power metal band, I approached Time Machine with an open mind. I have never heard of Axxis before, and to my surprise they have been around quite a bit - they are definitely not just another new power metal group leeching ideas from older bands. So I really was looking forward to finding out what sort of album Time Machine would be.

The first thing that I really enjoyed is that Axxis have a very unique style, which actually distinguishes them from the rest of the field. It is a very happy rock sound. When I say this, it doesn’t mean that the band play in the happy Helloween style, because the music here is not as fast, but rather that it is uplifting in its nature. This album is filled with a lot of memorable choruses, and verses that really stick in your head. Bernhard Weiߒs voice really carries the uplifting themes with a voice that is controlled, understandable and catchy. However, all is not well in this time machine.

The happy vibe can only be carried up to a certain level before the listener begins to get annoyed as the album wears on. To simply sum it up, Time Machine sounds too freaking happy, sappy and poppy for my taste. There is only so much I can take of this before I start asking myself, “why can’t this band just get a little heavier?” It would help matters if the songs were stronger and more consistent, but unfortunately the best tracks, “Angel of Death”, “Time Machine” and “Wind in the Night (Shalom)”, are all found at the beginning. There are some truly bad moments like “Lost in the Darkness”, “Wings of Freedom”, “Dance in the Starlight” and “Battle of Power” that I just have to skip, and when an album forces me to skip songs then it is in deep trouble.

Now, there is nothing wrong with being positive and having all these happy (ok last time I used this word) moments, but there has to be a little variety in here. The songs are formulaic in their structure, and I would have preferred to not to have every single damn chorus chanted by everyone. Unless you enjoy this sort of metal I would recommend you stay clear away from this release.


Axxis Official Website
AFM Records Official Website