Babymetal debut makes the Billboard 200


I know other metal acts have done better, but I'd think this has got to be the best a foreign-language metal album has ever done.

It was a novelty thing at first for me, but after listening to the whole album, this is really, really great stuff. I hope their success here brings them to the US.

Yeah, that's insane. It's very rare for a Japanese band to sell music in the US, even in the heights of anime in the late 90's. Dir En Grey and X Japan are pretty much the only ones that made any lasting impression on the American market.

Much of this is a combination between many Japanese acts having major label deals in Japan but wouldn't be able to get a major label deal in the US and indies not wanting to go through the hassle of buying out the Western release rights for a band that wouldn't be able to tour outside of Japan in the first place.

They're too kawaii to be prog

just like Overkill

But they're more sugoi than Overkill.
The album is... interesting, but not something I could imagine buying and listening to on any kind of regular basis. It's not bad exactly, just weird. Some of the songs work pretty well, but it's just a little too much of a headache to figure out WTF is going on at any given moment.
That's my issue,
I must have watched this video over 40 times and still can't decide if I love this or hate this...
The techno noise in parts kinda have to go,just ads nothing but...noise
Vocals....alternates between utolerable and brilliant....the harmonies and hooks during the chorus' and bridges are so catchy
Go to the 1:55 mark and the very end....

and obvious gimmick is obvious here as well,I would be willing to be the musicians don't play much of the music live...

I do think though this is on the verge of going viral,so who knows,could be an interesting gateway to the thrash/extreme metal side of things minus the harsh vox/growlies,which is always a plus to get more fans of extreme metal