Bands who should be at ProgPower 14...

My wishlist off the top of my head:

Within Temptation
Treat (if PC69 can play the fest, why not Treat? Coup De Grace kicked major ass)
Vanishing Point
Royal Hunt
Circus Maximus
Pagan's Mind
Can agree with most of it but seriously Malice / Helstar is there a difference at this point? And as we argued last night I still say TTD would surprise everyone. Still there are so many others like the Fifth Angel reunion? And Hammers of Misfortune would be incredible. But of have given up on the idea that the fest will have much to my personal taste, still Pretty Maids is enough this year for me.

Hammers Of Misfortune would rule. TTD would go over well also.
I'd love to see Fifth Angel. Ted Pilot's voice will be missed, but David Fefolt is an excellent singer that will do the job just fine. Speaking of him, his band FireWölfe would be great, with stuff played also from Hawk and Angels Of Babylon....

David Fefolt is a great vocalist. Ever hear his Valhalla stuff? Sounds like Queensryche's first EP.
I thought about this too. Given the clips I saw of their first show it seems like it would be fun. I know nothing about the business side of tours etc, but it seems like it would be in the bands best interest to play the festival to try to reconnect with a fan base they seem to be courting. Perhaps taking less money(?) for a show to restore/establish some credibility.

If the idea was presented well to their management, I don't see why it wouldn't be a good move for them to do it cheaper than they would normally. You are right, it would bring alotta fans back around to their side, now that Mr Grumpy is gone. :lol:
Yes we know that, sadly the powers that be do not.

Yeah but still I have fun playing the part of Bart Simpson...

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Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Are we there yet? NO!
Since I've been late to the party, the only band I truly would LOVE to see is Wolf. I think they'd go over great.

Okay one more: Arch/Matheos

In terms of something special that I know will never happen I'll go with this:
Helloween as the headliner and Unisonic as the support. Yes, I think you people know where I'm headed with encore for Helloween that features the original members, minus drummer of course, of Helloween doing a few songs off the Keeper albums.