Benedictum's Veronica Freeman launches new KickStarter


Feb 9, 2009
And it's got a super modest goal, too! Only $4.5k, so if you have a few extra bucks laying around, throw them at Veronica!

Well it's that time people. The "V" here from Benedictum and I am hammering away at finishing my first solo CD. The boys from Benedictum have been more than involved and I appreciate the chance to do it.

Honestly it is a bit out of my comfort zone as I am delving into more of a Melodic Hard Rock sort of vibe. Yes, it is on Frontiers but lets get real, I have gone into a lot of debt to make it really happen. A lot of people have come to the forefront including all members of Benedictum, Michael Sweet from Stryper, Jeff Pilson, John Herrera, Mike Lepond, Tony Martin, Leather Leone, Ryan Greene and many more. Its going to be cool but I have a ways to go!

Um, they need to get paid LOL. Also I truly wish to create a very cool video which will be shot at the "Sanctuary LAX" a sort of "dungeon" if you will. How cool will that be? And I want my friends there with me. Don't want to have to settle for something I am not over the moon about.

I have credit card debt up to my eyeballs but even more importantly I think I have some cool stuff available for you! The usual things of course, downloads and signed copies of the CD when it is finally done. But also helmets, posters, vinyl and some one of a kind experiences. Hell, I may even add some more cool things as we go.

For those of you who want items as a Christmas presents, if they are purchased/pledged before Dec 24th I will make sure and email over a gift certificate if you wish, stating the item that you have pledged to purchase so that you will have something to put under the tree! :)

Your donations will allow me to get out of debt, realize a dream and create some music that I feel was done well and not release something before it is truly at its full potential. To have a chance to connect with you on a whole new level as well...oh yeah. I would love that!

With much love and respect

The V

Veronica is very honest about what the money is going towards, and I know for a fact that she's only doing this because, yeah... record labels don't really give you enough to actually produce an album. Musicians gotta make up the rest, and sometimes that's just not possible without some starter money.

Check it out! The prices aren't too crazy and she has some fun rewards.
It’s 'Now or Never' for Veronica Freeman’s Solo Project THE V


Frontiers Music Srl announces the release of Veronica Freeman’s solo project THE V debut album entitled "Now or Never" on July 3rd in Europe and July 10th in North America.

Veronica Freeman – Lead vocals
Leather Leone – Duet vocals “Kiss my Lips”
Tony Martin - Duet vocals “King for a Day”
Meliesa McDonell - additional vocals “Star Shine” & Acoustic guitars
Derek Kerswill - drums
Jeff Pilson, Mel Brown, Garry Bordonaro, Aric Avina, John O’Boyle & Mike Lepond - Bass
Pete Wells, Michael Sweet ,Peter Tentindo, Jimmy Durkin, Mick Tucker, Jordan Ziff, Michael Harris – Guitars
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Ok. I know I will get crap from some for posting my thoughts on this but so be it........

Yes. It's good she is honest about the $$$

BUT........ If she is worthy of a solo album, why hire high prices guest musicians for this??

Yes. I get it. It looks more attractive from a marketing perspective on the hype sticker.
But in the age of Low cd sales, why take an approach that is going to drive up costs???

So to me the KickStarter here is to pay for the "guest musicians" as opposed to supporting the solo efforts.

Ok. Go flame away!!
Ok. I know I will get crap from some for posting my thoughts on this but so be it........

Yes. It's good she is honest about the $$$

BUT........ If she is worthy of a solo album, why hire high prices guest musicians for this??

Yes. I get it. It looks more attractive from a marketing perspective on the hype sticker.
But in the age of Low cd sales, why take an approach that is going to drive up costs???

So to me the KickStarter here is to pay for the "guest musicians" as opposed to supporting the solo efforts.

Ok. Go flame away!!

I'm not sure what your complaint is. Wouldn't any singer* doing a solo album need to hire session musicians?

* who isn't Dan Swano
Missed the point.
She is choosing guest musicians who are obviously higher in cost than session musicians would Cost.
i get it. There is the thought that these "guests" may boost sales.

But if it's a solo album then why the need for high prices guest musicians??
ESP if you need KickStarter to afford em???
I have mixed feelings about solo records. Unless the artist needs to completely step outside themselves and write a bunch of songs that would feel foreign within their primary project, it seems they're wasting creative energy that could have been better focused on their primary band. Any great lyric, melody or riff you set aside for your solo project, is one less great lyric, melody or riff that doesn't end up on the next record of your primary project. Based on the samples here, this record mostly seems self-indulgent. However, if her fans are willing to finance those indulgences, more power to her. I'm all in favor of the Kickstarter thing and think it's a great vehicle for artists.
Missed the point.
She is choosing guest musicians who are obviously higher in cost than session musicians would Cost.
i get it. There is the thought that these "guests" may boost sales.

But if it's a solo album then why the need for high prices guest musicians??
ESP if you need KickStarter to afford em???

I don't have any knowledge of her Kickstarter, but typically Kickstarters are set up with a goal price, and later "stretch goals" which after certain dollar amounts enhance the product beyond bare bones funding. It could very well be that those guest musicians could have been stretch goals that were paid for beyond the initial goal price.
Missed the point.
She is choosing guest musicians who are obviously higher in cost than session musicians would Cost.
i get it. There is the thought that these "guests" may boost sales.

But if it's a solo album then why the need for high prices guest musicians??
ESP if you need KickStarter to afford em???

I'm still not seeing the problem. It's equivalent to a band doing Kickstarter so they can record in a professional studio instead of doing everything on their computer. If fans are willing to pony up so the album sounds better/has more profile, then more power to 'em.
Well. I do have an issue with KickStarter in general but that's not my point.

My problem is that she has to use a KS to fund the guest stars.

How about not using higher profile guest musicians???

If you need name guest musicians to try to sell your solo album......
Well. I do have an issue with KickStarter in general but that's not my point.

My problem is that she has to use a KS to fund the guest stars.

How about not using higher profile guest musicians???

If you need name guest musicians to try to sell your solo album......

So what you're saying is...settle. "You're not good enough on your own merits so deal with it." Sounds like you're channeling Bob today.
The part I find odd is the number of bass players she used; 6. Let's be fair, no one is going to listen to this record and even notice that the bass playing duties are shifting from player to player, from song to song.