Best Non Metal Release of 2013

Daft Punk - Random Access Memories. Great album. Lots of fun, and a relaxing positive vibe.

Actually, due to the lack of interesting metal releases so far, this is my overall favourite album of the year so far. Just until Haken, Dream Theater, Seventh Wonder and Ayreon etc are out...


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Non-metal... would Steven Wilson count? :D

As for non-metal, non-rock... like pop and so on, I haven't really heard much yet.

Here's a very popular swedish song with brilliant lyrics:
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I recommend...

Mr. So & So - Truths, Lies, and Half-Lies

Comedy of Errors - Fanfare and Fantasy

Janus - Under the Shadow of the Moon

Edit: Whoops, posted the same video twice.
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I heartily approve of this thread but have nothing to contribute as of now.
Cause nobody cares about Symphony X anymore. It's the same thing as what happened on the Opeth forum (RIP). The band made such fantastic music as to draw in cultured fans with great, unique tastes. They gathered, they discussed, they argued.

The band then went on to make boring albums, faded into obscurity and long lapses between releases, and forum members started discussing other bands. Or posting joke/non music threads. Over there, it got to the point where it was basically not an Opeth forum anymore. The band shut it down, and rightly so. I'm not going to knock Opeth too much, since they've got a ridiculously awesome back catalog. I'd say up to and including Deliverance/Damnation. Maybe Ghost Reveries.

I can see the same thing happening here, though it might just become a ghost town instead of a haven for 4chan. Symphony X has gone in a new direction, and is slow to release updates, news, or new music. So the fans have resorted to discussing other bands or left for greener pastures.

I stay, not out of any love for SX but for the people who used to make this place awesome, and for UM in a meta-sense which is a hub for good music.
Ghost Reveries is an amazing album!

Symphony X totally lost it.
Like you said: last couple albums were a huge decline in quality, but on top of that, 5 years between albums, and them never releasing any news or doing anything outside of what they're doing to keep us interested.
They are a terrible band to be a fan of (aside from them being nice guys in general).
Divine, V, and Odyssey are prog gems that I'll never forget. I don't think the band will ever return to that glory...and now it has been over ten years since. :(
That style of prog is now dated, so when I say I'd like them to return to that quality, I don't mean that same style.

Do you like Coal, Ken?
I'm not going to knock Opeth too much, since they've got a ridiculously awesome back catalog. I'd say up to and including Deliverance/Damnation. Maybe Ghost Reveries.

Heritage is awesome, and after the sublime Storm Corrosion I'm genuinely excited to hear what Åkerfeldt comes up with for the next Opeth album. The dude couldn't be further from a has-been in my book.
Akerfeldt will never be a has been. Genius.
Same with Steven Wilson.
Both have put out TONS of amazing stuff, and they're always relevant and trying new things.
I honestly think Leprous is going to keep putting out great material, too. They seem to know where prog is going, and I don't see them as scared of trying something new.
Heritage is great for people who haven't delved too much into 60s/70s prog. For those who has, it's not really a very spectacular album. It's pretty good though.