Better Know A Band: Therion


oh noes!!
Jan 23, 2002
Columbia, SC, USA

Wiki Entry:
Therion is a Swedish heavy metal band founded by Christofer Johnsson in 1987. The word "therion" comes from the Greek therion (θηρίον), meaning "Beast," i.e., that of the Christian Book of Revelation. However, the band's name is a homage to the Celtic Frost album To Mega Therion.

Beginning as a death metal band, they later turned to combining orchestral elements with their metal music, employing heavy use of choirs and classical musicians, not only as additions to but also as integral parts of the composition. Therion is the first metal band with fully live orchestra featured. It is also the band which originated, popularised and influenced the symphonic metal genre, cited as "the most adventurous metal band at present". Due to these extents they take in conducting their music, they have been dubbed as "Opera Metal".

Therion's music takes its themes from different mythologies and is based on concepts ranging from occultism, magic and ancient traditions and writings. The majority of their lyrics are written by Thomas Karlsson, head and founder of the magical order Dragon Rouge, of which Johnsson is a member. The band has seen many changes in line-up and style throughout its history.

Personal take:
I've been listening to these guys since 1998 and this is one of the few bands where I would borderline on fanboy. Believing that I would never get to see them, I was elated at the PP6 announcement years ago. Enough to jump around my house for a good 10 minutes screaming. At the time, there were only a few of us clamoring for them to play. Pellaz, Hoyt, and myself being pretty vocal about it.

Anyhow, I know I speak for the three of us when I say we're even more excited at the prospect at seeing them again because they will not play North America anymore after suffering through 2 really bad tours. I don't blame them considering the cost of bringing their show on the road.

Sounds like:
Fairly unique actually. Lots of Classical and Operatic bits mixed in with heavy early metal influence (Celtic Frost, Old Scorps, etc etc). I would think most here would have heard at least a few songs by them at this point in time.

One key thing to note is that there is no real lineup. It's Christofer and a bunch of people he pulls on. Similar to Ayreon in that respect but it's not as 'projecty' as Ayreon is.

Discography at a glance:
There are two fairly distinct periods. Pre-Theli and then Theli and onwards. It's highly unlikely that they will play anything pre-Theli so you will want to concentrate your listening on Theli and everything past that point. I would say to look at the tracklisting on the Gothic Kabbalah live set that was released a few years ago as they will play something similar UNLESS somehow Glenn has convinced them to do the Theli album in its entirety (they did this about a year or two ago to celebrate it's anniversary).

Theli remains my personal favourite and the track "Nightside of Eden" is one of my favourite songs ever. I would kill to hear this song live. KILL!

However, the production on Theli might turn some people off, so I would recommend hitting up the album after that, Vovin. This is really where they took the sound they were aiming for on Theli and brought it to a new level. Vovin is where you'll hear what modern Therion sounds like all through to the newest album.

Quick song hitlist:
To Mega Therion (Theli)
Cults of the Shadow (Theli)
In Remembrance (A'arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming)
The Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah (Vovin)
Birth of Venus Illegitima (Vovin)
The Crowning of Atlantis (The Crowning of Atlantis)
Seven Secrets of the Sphinx (Deggial)
Enter Vril-ya (Deggial)
The Invincible (Deggial)
Flesh of the Gods (Deggial) :: Hansi Kursch (Blind Guardian) on Guest Vox
Asgard (Secret of the Runes)
Schwarzalbenheim (Secret of the Runes)
Secret of the Runes (Secret of the Runes)
Uthark Runa (Lemuria)
Lemuria (Lemuria)
The Dreams of Swedenborg (Lemuria)
An Arrow from the Sun (Lemuria)
Abraxas (Lemuria)
Son of the Sun (Sirius B)
Call of Dagon (Sirius B)
The Perennial Sophia (Gothic Kabbalah)
Son of the Staves of Time (Gothic Kabbalah)
Tuna 1613 (Gothic Kabbalah) :: LOL Scorpions riff. :p
The Wand of Abaris (Gothic Kabbalah)
Three Treasures (Gothic Kabbalah)
T.O.F. - The Trinity (Gothic Kabbalah)

If you're just starting off on your Therion experience, I would say go with Vovin (even though I'm way more of a fan of Theli, I recognize that a lot of people might not dig it initially). After that, hit up Lemuria/Sirius B. Work your way through the catalogue after that. Definitely listen to Theli though if you get through Vovin.

Some tube links:

And last but not least:

They will most definitely play this song!

I know this is a lot to go through, but considering how many albums they have and how overwhelmed people might be (so much that it might turn them off). I thought I consolidated the information pretty well.

These guys put on one hell of a show at PP6 so I'm looking forward to them doing a proper headlining session.

Stay tuned for more!

ps. Please incessantly chant for "Nightside of Eden" for my sanity.

pss. They closed with this at PP6:

Though I was hoping for:

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I have been to every PP since V and Therion's performance still ranks as my favorite IMO the best of all the PP performances that I have seen.
While I do not own any Therion, I must say that the sound coming off the stage at PPVI was huge and really impressed me. The 2+ hr headline set on Sat night may be a bit much, however I definitely still look forward to at least most of this, although probably from a seated position.
Absolutely one of my favorite bands period. Easily a top 10 for me, if not a top 5. There is no band on the planet that sounds like them, and seeing them live will be a joy for most. I was not there when they played at VI, but when I saw them the last time in Chicago it was in my top 3 favorite shows I've ever seen. Considering Centre stage is bigger, I can only imagine just what they'll be able to pull off.
For people NOT familiar with THerion, this thread will help them immensely. MAJOR PROPS to the OP!!! I wish these had been done years ago with bands i didn;t know. You did a great job with this one!!!
Well here's hoping that Justin gets his wish and Therion performs Nightside of Eden at ProgPower!

it's funny... I grabbed DEGGIAL on the way out the door this morning and was jamming with it for the first time in a while on the way to and from work. And Justin, you mentioned a Scorpions riff in the song 'Tuna' (from Gothic Kabbalah), but have you ever noticed the riff on the song 'Enter Vril-Ya'? Classic AC/DC - 'Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be'. :worship:

I agree 110% on your choices of Vovin followed by Lemuria/Sirius B for the beginner Therion fan. And yes, Theli is a must behind those two. But to add to your suggested albums to start with - and if that same fan likes a taste of Viking Metal - then Secret of the Runes should be the 4th album they purchase. Good God, the beginning of Ginunngagap alone sends chills down my arms every time I hear it! And so many other great tunes on that disc as well. Plus if you buy the Euro-edition you get some fantastic bonus tracks! Awesome Awesome release! One of my top three favorites from Therion.

And yes, I am more than elated, excited, overwhelmed, and overjoyed at the idea that they will play in Atlanta again - especially a two hour headlining set. "Oh My God" does not even begin to explain my excitement! Thank you Glenn!!! And Thanks again to Pellaz for the sponsorship! You Rule!! Thanks to Justin for taking the time (*shifty-eyed*) to post this 'intro to Therion' for folks on the fence.
Trust me people - this will be an experience of a lifetime and may be your one chance for years to come. There are those who were content to 'sit through' the Therion set at PPUSA VI to wait for the headliner. And many of those same people are now fans today. :D You know who you are.

For even better vids of the band, look for any of the YouTube videos from the Live Gothic DVD. Awesome stuff and probably closer to what we may receive at ProgPower XII vs. the earlier years.

ENJOY!!! :devil:
Well here's hoping that Justin gets his wish and Therion performs Nightside of Eden at ProgPower!

it's funny... I grabbed DEGGIAL on the way out the door this morning and was jamming with it for the first time in a while on the way to and from work. And Justin, you mentioned a Scorpions riff in the song 'Tuna' (from Gothic Kabbalah), but have you ever noticed the riff on the song 'Enter Vril-Ya'? Classic AC/DC - 'Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be'. :worship:

I agree 110% on your choices of Vovin followed by Lemuria/Sirius B for the beginner Therion fan. And yes, Theli is a must behind those two. But to add to your suggested albums to start with - and if that same fan likes a taste of Viking Metal - then Secret of the Runes should be the 4th album they purchase. Good God, the beginning of Ginunngagap alone sends chills down my arms every time I hear it! And so many other great tunes on that disc as well. Plus if you buy the Euro-edition you get some fantastic bonus tracks! Awesome Awesome release! One of my top three favorites from Therion.

And yes, I am more than elated, excited, overwhelmed, and overjoyed at the idea that they will play in Atlanta again - especially a two hour headlining set. "Oh My God" does not even begin to explain my excitement! Thank you Glenn!!! And Thanks again to Pellaz for the sponsorship! You Rule!! Thanks to Justin for taking the time (*shifty-eyed*) to post this 'intro to Therion' for folks on the fence.
Trust me people - this will be an experience of a lifetime and may be your one chance for years to come. There are those who were content to 'sit through' the Therion set at PPUSA VI to wait for the headliner. And many of those same people are now fans today. :D You know who you are.

For even better vids of the band, look for any of the YouTube videos from the Live Gothic DVD. Awesome stuff and probably closer to what we may receive at ProgPower XII vs. the earlier years.

ENJOY!!! :devil:
Hoyt, you magnificent bastard! Your assessment of THERION's discography for the beginner is fucking exemplary!:worship:
THERION never disappoints and the last three releases especially are so fucking good, words cannot describe it. I know they've released live albums for the last two studio albums, but I feel "Live in Midgard" from the Secret of the Runes tour is equal in quality, also.
Being a hardcore fan of this band, I'm going to stray a bit for the beginning fan. While I love Vovin and Deggial, I would actually say Gothic Kabbalah is the one to get as I feel it has the most commercial appeal for the curious fan. Then I would say do Sirius B/Lemuria. After that it's really up to the fan where to go from there as anything starting with Theli through Secret of the Runes is good as well. Hell, if you don't mind growly vocals, Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas is a pretty good album too that hints at their sound to come. The only one to skip unless you become a hardcore Therion fan is A'arab Zaraq - Lucid Dreaming as it's a different kind of album with covers and a whole section that is essentially an orchestral Christopher Johanssen project as well as the first two which are pretty much Swedish language death metal albums.
Another excellent post, Justin. :kickass:

For any power-metal folks who are on the fence with Therion, I'd also add

The Wild Hunt (Vovin)

to your song-list.

Considering that they've requested a 2-hour set, there's a LOT that they'll be able to pull out for us. This will be quite a show, and a U.S. exclusive, and possibly their last show on American soil ever.

BTW, Justin, I couldn't jump around and scream for ten minutes at my house when Glenn announced Therion for PP before...only because I was actually out in L.A. staying overnight at a friend's place and such behavior is generally frowned upon. :)
So, instead, I only whooped loudly for about one minute when I read Glenn's post on the Forum...and my friend (Jason Miller from Godhead, for those who remember him) said "Woah, Paul, are you okay?"
"Considerably better than okay. It's more like a state of being in happy shock." :lol:
I'm more looking to Therion than I was to any band at PPUSA XI. Hopefully they'll play Ginnungagap or The Khlysti Evangelist!!! Those two songs are beyond amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!