Bill Ward Fired from Black Sabbath by...

Ward - who was never a major creative contributor - was demanding a cut of revenues equal to that of Tony (the creative force behind Black Sabbath) and Ozzy (the face of the band as far as the public is concerned), holding up the whole process in a Quixotic (and nonsensical) quest to be treated as an equal of the band's more important members. He was essentially taking a huge payday out of the pockets of the other band members over petty billing demands. He seems to have forgotten that drummers are completely expendable. All he had to do was sign on the dotted line without making unreasonable demands, but he pissed it away on an ego trip.
A blurb stolen from a member of Atlantean Kodex:

"Could everyone please stop moaning about Black Sabbath? Who gives a flying fuck?! Take the 100+ Euros you'd spend on a ticket for this farce and rather buy some new releases by hungry and raging young bands like Dark Forest, Procession, Striker, Cruciamentum, RAM, Vanderbuyst ... the list is endless. Support the underground, not Sharon's bank account!"

This, basically. I'm astonished that people still care about a band that hasn't put out a worthwhile release in eons, and NEVER will again. I fully understand how important Black Sabbath is/was and the several masterpieces that they've released as a band, but please tell me why anybody still cares about what goes on with these washed up old men?
The more recent stuff Iommi's done sounds good to me, tbh...he should get Tony Martin back or something.
A blurb stolen from a member of Atlantean Kodex:

"Could everyone please stop moaning about Black Sabbath? Who gives a flying fuck?! Take the 100+ Euros you'd spend on a ticket for this farce and rather buy some new releases by hungry and raging young bands like Dark Forest, Procession, Striker, Cruciamentum, RAM, Vanderbuyst ... the list is endless. Support the underground, not Sharon's bank account!"

This, basically. I'm astonished that people still care about a band that hasn't put out a worthwhile release in eons, and NEVER will again. I fully understand how important Black Sabbath is/was and the several masterpieces that they've released as a band, but please tell me why anybody still cares about what goes on with these washed up old men?

This. So fucking hard.
1) Who gives a shit about BS any more? They haven't done anything relevant in decades, and the best BS-like project was Heaven & Hell.

2) Fuck Ozzy. I said it.

3) Saying Ward was "taking money" from the other two is bullshit because I fucking guarantee you neither Ozzy nor Tony is hurting for cash. It was greed all around so they're now trying to say he's an unimportant member just to justify booting him.

4) Have I said fuck Ozzy yet?
I honestly don't blame Bill Ward for wanting to be recognized for his contributions to the band's sound, which were not at all insignificant. I won't go see them unless it is a real reunion.

I also don't support people who can somehow magically hear what an album will sound like in advance of it even having been written and recorded.

...and why did anyone mention Sharon Osbourne?
Agreed. Unless Tony was writing and recording Bill's drum parts, he was 100% a huge contributor to the band. Without him, War Pigs wouldn't have been nearly as iconic.
3) Saying Ward was "taking money" from the other two is bullshit because I fucking guarantee you neither Ozzy nor Tony is hurting for cash. It was greed all around so they're now trying to say he's an unimportant member just to justify booting him.

Ward's decision to hold out for more money and higher billing was holding up the reunion, and, hence, taking money from the other members. He was taking money from them by holding out regardless of whether they were "hurting" for it or not. For that matter, Tony Iommi is looking at what are likely going to be astronomical medical bills, and his window of opportunity for a reunion is quite brief.

And, again. Ward is just the drummer, eminently replaceable in the grand scheme of things. His quest to be considered co-equal with Tony and Ozzy unreasoned and unreasonable.

They did that already with Vinny Appice, and guess what, he sucked.

Can't blame the drummer for Tony's dearth of writing ideas. The classic Black Sabbath sound is defined by the songwriting of Tony Iommi and the interplay of Iommi's riffing and Ozzy's vocals, and their concept is driven by Geezer's lyrics. Bill Ward simply didn't have the same significance and impact on the band (and metal) that the other original members did, and his demand to be treated as an equal is laughable. Ultimately, Ward isn't a unique percussion stylist—or even a mildly unusual one. He is the very definition of "replaceable."
Ward's decision to hold out for more money and higher billing was holding up the reunion, and, hence, taking money from the other members. He was taking money from them by holding out regardless of whether they were "hurting" for it or not. For that matter, Tony Iommi is looking at what are likely going to be astronomical medical bills, and his window of opportunity for a reunion is quite brief.

And, again. Ward is just the drummer, eminently replaceable in the grand scheme of things. His quest to be considered co-equal with Tony and Ozzy unreasoned and unreasonable.

Your musical ignorance is astounding. Bill Ward had just as much to do with Sabbath's sound as Tony and Ozzy. He was an iconic drummer right along side Bonzo and Keith Moon, and if you don't think he deserves equal billing then the problem is on your side.

I'm 100% with Bill here. Fuck the Osbournes, and I wish him a speedy recovery but fuck Tony if he had ANYTHING to do with thinking Bill didn't deserve to be put on equal footing as the rest of the band HE helped create.