Black Metal Halloween

Dec 3, 2002
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I'm dressing up as a black metaller for Halloween. I did it last year but I painted my face badly and I looked like a member of ICP, it wasn't good. So this year i'm trying to look at grim and tr00 as possible.
Who should I be? I was gonna go with Abbath but I wanted some suggestions and some pics to go off of for our bm guys....I know im definitely gonna have the Immortal frown \m/. Any tips on how to paint my face good are welcome too... :headbang:
That's okay as long as you don't start writing "black" "metal" with "lyrics" about gothic vampire romance.*

*I stole the second half of this sentence from Erik

PS: Vampires are gay
ive done the vampire thing tons of gets old after awhile....i should go as a black metaller some year....hey Isabel! maybe next year if things work in our favor, me and Sean and you can be Immortal! :p
I was a member of KISS last year...

for your black metal thing, are you gunna have like a toy battle axe or something like Immortal did on the cover of Sons of Northern Darkness? that would be cool. also those spiked shinguards. badass.



Go to photopit, and look up some pics there. She's got some awesome shots.

I love the presentation of black metal, I dig the theatrics of it all. It looks best under perfect lighting is the hard part.

Must have BLACK hair, roots and all. I hate to see a black metal dude, trying to look very harsh, with his blonde roots showing. :ill: It's just not grim.