Blasts from the past

My best bud recently transferred a handful of cassettes from my collection to cd (stuff I am generally having a difficult time finding on cd). It's fun going back and digging through bands and albums that you might not have listened to in a stuff!
Anyhow, these were a few that I had transferred:
Heir Apparent- One Small Voice
Banshee- Race Against Time
Cities- Annihilation Absolute
The Rods- Heavier Than Thou
Shok Paris- Concrete Killers
Wolfsbane- Live Fast, Die Fast
Hittman- Hittman
Lion- Dangerous Attraction
Like the thread name says.....blasts from the past!
Those are all classics. Banshee's second album 'Take 'Em By Storm' was finally released a few years ago. It was recorded but never released back in the day.
If you like Race Against Time, you'd like TEBS also.

I've never been able to find The Rods 'Heavier Than Thou' on CD. Does anyone know if it was ever released on CD at all?
Yep...I've got Banshee's "Take 'Em By Storm".....good stuff! I should have burned my cassette copy of their EP "Cry In The Night" to cd also, but.....oh well.
I've never seen "Heavier Than Thou" on cd either.....too bad, since they re-released all of their other albums on cd a few years ago. I hear rumors that they've reformed and are going to cut a new cd soon. I loved both of the Feinstein solo cds, so I'm really looking forward to a new Rods release!
My best bud recently transferred a handful of cassettes from my collection to cd (stuff I am generally having a difficult time finding on cd). It's fun going back and digging through bands and albums that you might not have listened to in a stuff!
Anyhow, these were a few that I had transferred:
Heir Apparent- One Small Voice
Banshee- Race Against Time
Cities- Annihilation Absolute
The Rods- Heavier Than Thou
Shok Paris- Concrete Killers
Wolfsbane- Live Fast, Die Fast
Hittman- Hittman
Lion- Dangerous Attraction
Like the thread name says.....blasts from the past!

As far as I know all these were available officially at one time on CD. Cities was just re-released and you should have no problem finding it. I have all of the above original CD's except for the Wolfsbane (Had it at one time) and The Rods.
Anyhow, these were a few that I had transferred:
Heir Apparent- One Small Voice
Banshee- Race Against Time
Cities- Annihilation Absolute
The Rods- Heavier Than Thou
Shok Paris- Concrete Killers
Wolfsbane- Live Fast, Die Fast
Hittman- Hittman
Lion- Dangerous Attraction
Like the thread name says.....blasts from the past!

The Shok Paris and Cities albums are (were)available on CD at some time. The Hittman and the Banshee too. All very fine albums, as is the Lion and The Rods ones. The Wolfsbane is cool, but their best is the '94 s/t one IMO. As for Heir Apparent, the only album of them I really enjoyed was the 1st one.
I am actually working on reissuing HITTMAN and LION via Divebomb Records at some point. if my Universal Records contact comes through SHOK PARIS will be on my list too. CITIES was just reissued by Lost & Found Records, and the HEIR APPARENT is coming out via a greek label with a bonus DVD very soon. i tried to reissue that one as well.

THE RODS stuff keeps drifting in and out of print it seems. i saw Wild Dogs is being reissued.
Wild Dogs.....the Rods album, or the band Wild Dogs? "Reign of Terror" from the Wild Dogs is one of the most kick-ass metal albums ever. I put it up there with Sword's "Metalized" and TT Quick's "Metal of Honor" at the top of my "desert island" list of cds!