Blue Skies Bring Tears - Blue Skies Bring Tears

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Blue Skies Bring Tears - Blue Skies Bring Tears
Self-released - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


First impressions, regardless of how accurate they turn out to be, are often the ones that last. In the case of promo copies of albums, they also can play a key role mentally preparing the reviewer for what he or she is about to hear. It's fair to say that this quartet had me intrigued at first glance. A name taken from a Smashing Pumpkins song, a band photo that showed each member sporting a markedly different look (August could be the drummer for any given hardcore band, to look at, whilst Niklas gives off a distinct frontman-for-Dark Tranquillity vibe). I didn't really know what I was in for - I was hoping for some eclective, progressive cross-blend of styles, as enigmatic as the packaging.

What I got was down-tempo, morose, melancholic goth rock, tinged by Eternity-era Anathema, with a singer that sounded like a bored Ville Valo, songs that trudge along like some wounded animal slinking off to a quiet corner to die, and a general vibe of depression. Which, I think, is what the band was going for. However, the other overwhelming emotion I got from these tracks was, presumably, not one that was intended by the group - utter boredom.

See, there's very little variation on offer. While the production is pretty impressive for a self-released effort (icy synths add a glassy, ethereal atmosphere to the peripheries of the soundscapes, and the reverbed/clean guitar tones are crystal clear while the distorted tone is pretty crunchy and satisfying), the songwriting stays firmly within the downcast, slow-paced and miserable mode that it starts off in. The aggressive distorted guitars that are utilised periodically do little more than rhythmically chug along and occasionally let out a pinched harmonic (although the 3:50 mark of 'Obsessions' shows some more imaginative riffing). The singer never stops groaning in his Pete Steele meets Ville Valo wounded drawl.

The highlight (if such a term is even appropriate for such a downer of an album) comes right at the end, with the appropriately-titled 'Anomaly' showing just a little more promise - it's no major departure from the rest of the tracks on offer, to be sure, but the addition of some Pink Floyd-esque lead guitars and an ever-so-slightly-more martial rhythm tease out some much-needed oomph.

I'm open to the idea that perhaps this style of music just isn't for me, and that I've missed the point somewhere along the line - the band's website's URL is below, and they have a Myspace, so their particular blend of goth-rock-miserabilism is yours to sample - but my bottom line is going to say that this one is something of a snoozer.

Blue Skies Bring Tears' Official Website