Can someone autotune some tracks for me?


Jul 17, 2009
Port St. Lucie, FL
The band isn't happy with the vocals and thinks that someone with Autotune will magically fix them. I have melodyne essential, but had no luck whatsoever. So, PM with pricing and we'll go from there. :)

It's almost 3 minutes total, but all the tracks are either tripled (First Song; Center, Left, Right) or 5-tracked (Second Song; 2 Left, 2 Right, One center) and they are the same melody, so once you have one, you can apply it to the others (I'm assuming).

*In song 2, 1st verse, there is a small one line vocal harmony that is double (left and right), but other than that, it is all self explanatory.

Backing tracks for both songs are included. For Heroes

1st song is in D major
2nd song is in D minor
How many tracks and how long are the tracks? Are you wanting to get it as natural as possible, like in tune, but not sound like it's been tuned or are we talking about T-Pain style tuning?

I'm potentially interested in giving it a shot, seeing how bad they may be and if it's fixable or not.
Sorry, yah some more info would obviously be needed.

They want a very polished "radio" sound, so more natural and transparent.

2 songs. However, one song, only 2 verses need to be done (one center, and one left backup and one right backup). For the other song, the whole song, 2 verses and 3 choruses I believe, needs work. However, I believe that song has one track in the middle for verses and choruses and one on each side as backup.
Ya, if you can, upload the tracks. I I'll give it a shot, it's not often I actually get to tune something as I'm 90% of the time recording screamers.
OK. It's almost 3 minutes total, but all the tracks are either tripled (Center, Left, Right) or 5-tracked (2 Left, 2 Right, One center) and they are the same melody, so once you have one, you can apply it to the others (I'm assuming).

Tracks will be up in a few. I had to make some changes.
I hate people like that.

Then what is the point of the 1000 little tricks engineers learn to make bands sound better?

At the end of the day, drummers get drum replacement to make them sound tighter, singers sometimes need autotune, guitarists need 10 or so takes mashed together for a 4 min song etc.

What is your advice to the world? Everyone take lessons until they are 100% pitch perfect, human metronomes with a mechanical right hand?

If you hate people like that, you are in the wrong business. Because having a band walk through the door that are perfect in every aspect happens every...When is Nevermores next album out?
Then what is the point of the 1000 little tricks engineers learn to make bands sound better?

At the end of the day, drummers get drum replacement to make them sound tighter, singers sometimes need autotune, guitarists need 10 or so takes mashed together for a 4 min song etc.

What is your advice to the world? Everyone take lessons until they are 100% pitch perfect, human metronomes with a mechanical right hand?

If you hate people like that, you are in the wrong business. Because having a band walk through the door that are perfect in every aspect happens every...When is Nevermores next album out?

It is very important to at least have a grasp on your instrument before you even step up to record. Not all guitarists are Loomis, but they better be able to play their song and make it sound decent on it's own without the addition of studio magic.
It is very important to at least have a grasp on your instrument before you even step up to record. Not all guitarists are Loomis, but they better be able to play their song and make it sound decent on it's own without the addition of studio magic.

Is it though? A lot of bands do it to document their efforts. Not everyone is a pro.

And you can STILL be an amazing guitarist and suck balls in the studio because it can take some getting used to. Esp for singers.

I think it is good that most bands suck, more money for you engineers. Most bands do suck. Mine included. It is just I know if I went to a great producer, there would be less suck.

The singer actually has a nice timbre to his voice. Out of tune yes, but you can tell he has potential.

So I think you are right to ask for some help on autotune (without getting shit for it ya know?)
Then what is the point of the 1000 little tricks engineers learn to make bands sound better?

At the end of the day, drummers get drum replacement to make them sound tighter, singers sometimes need autotune, guitarists need 10 or so takes mashed together for a 4 min song etc.

What is your advice to the world? Everyone take lessons until they are 100% pitch perfect, human metronomes with a mechanical right hand?

If you hate people like that, you are in the wrong business. Because having a band walk through the door that are perfect in every aspect happens every...When is Nevermores next album out?

Fuck you. I'm aloud to hate anyone I want. :lol: