Canvas Solaris - Irradiance now in stock


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
“There's limitless potential in a band this talented, if you ask me. They sound to my ears like a Jon Anderson-less Yes, covering Cynic's unreleased material (if any) while secretly worshipping the likes of Dream Theater.“ –

One of the key members of the “djent metal” community are back!. “Irradiance” is the fifth release from this instrumental band. Djent metal is a relatively new sub-genre of progressive metal characterized by a certain type of palm muted guitar tone. Often attributed to Meshuggah, djent bands like Animals As Leaders, Scale The Summit, and Behold The Arctopus have a hardcore following of musicians and fans of progressive metal. Canvas Solaris is firmly ensconced in this field.

The band has evolved dramatically from their beginnings as a death metal/mathcore band. Over time the band has assimilated progressive rock into their sound, balancing hyper-technical passages with dreamy, textured soundscapes.

The band is always interested in presenting their work with interesting graphics. They are honored to have noted low brow artist Mars-1 provide the cover art. Once again the album was produced by Jamie King (Between The Buried and Me) and mastered by Alan Douches.
ordering it now, Waiting to see what else is being put up.....before send gets clicked:) or should I just do it??