Century Media -- Opeth/Morningrise Sale!

Nugent Goes AOL

Crescent Fresh!
Aug 27, 2002
Poughkeepsie, NY // Atlanta, GA
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I haven't read the forum in a bit, so someone might have already put this up here, but there is a sale at Centurymedia.com right now for "Orchid" and "Morningrise." If you are a new Opeth fan and don't have them, this is your fucking chance!

$6 for one, $10 for both. It's the deal of the century. GET IT? CENTURY? Jesus fucking Christ, I shatter the barriers of comedy. :lol:
CM takes so damn long for shipping though. Unless they've improved matters since the last time I ordered from them.
Thats a pretty friekin sweet deal. Both of those albums are masterpieces beyond words. I heard those bonus tracks and they certainly dont seem good. I just bought both albums regularly and its perfectly fine with me.