Charming little robot in search of things to drum on...

It looked to me like it was largely repeating the same pattern of movement and tapping, so I'm not too sure how much of a 'personality' it has.... Still, kinda neet. :)

It is. It's a programmed "optimal" behavior. What's charming to me is the way it looks as it moves and does its thing.
Gotta admit that was pretty cute. I kinda felt bad when they would pull on it, as if it were a pet being pulled by it's tail :erk: Why did I feel that for a robot? lol! The little sounds it made were adorable! The tread rolling, his head moving - so cute!
Gotta admit that was pretty cute. I kinda felt bad when they would pull on it, as if it were a pet being pulled by it's tail :erk: Why did I feel that for a robot? lol! The little sounds it made were adorable! The tread rolling, his head moving - so cute!

I'm glad somebody gets it. :)