Cheapish vocal mics for singing?


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Heya, looking for a recommendation for cheapish vocal mics. I've got a Shure SM57A Beta that I'm using right now, and I just don't dig its tone.

Recording, sorry should've said.

I've got an SM58 knocking around somewhere, I guess I should give it a go before dropping down some cash, but didn't know if there was an accepted SM7b for cheap bitches like me.
B1 would work ok on a budget but I disagree they sound anything fantastic. Hello de-esser. Try the your 58 first, it might surprise you. I won't sound spectacularly detailed but It's not a bad mic at all.
Have you got access to any LDCs you could try?

If you can't get what you're looking for from the 57A or 58 I'd be tempted to look at an LDC. I've only ever tried an NT1a and an AT4040 on male vocals - I like the AT4040 but used prices vary massively, I've seen them go as low as £100, though not all have the shockmount at that price, but also as high as £200 (with shockmount).
THe K2 is a decent sounding mic IMO. I've used one for vocals on a few projects and while it isn't spectacular it's definitely solid at that price point. It's worth playing with pattern control as that changes the freq response of the mic beyond just proximity effect IME.
definitely don't get a dynamic microphone.

Studio Projects B1, Behringer B2 or Audio-Technica AT2020 would work for you.
Wait, is an SM7b not an option then? like out of price range? A 58 works in a pinch if I can't get an SM7b, but honestly for aggressive male vocals if you're not using an SM7b you're probably doing your job wrong - the next best option tends to be 3-4x the price at least. (I really fucking love the SM7b)
definitely don't get a dynamic microphone.

Studio Projects B1, Behringer B2 or Audio-Technica AT2020 would work for you.

Huh? All of the mics you listed are "pro"sumer entry level microphones. I have owned all but the behringer and my buddy had the behringer. The 2020 is actually solid sounding but has a fairly high self noise to it, that i could notice, thats why i now have 4040's . I found the studio projects stuff sounded great initially, but then its luster wore off and i came across harsh. As well as the behringer. I also had a Studio project C1 which quickly got sold but initially i thought i was in heaven. I feel the that these condensers sound amazing a first listen, but later upon mix time or later listening that it is quite fatiguing and not pleasant.

When i hear people say dont use a dynamic. The first thing that comes to mind is the person probably doesnt own any solid mic preamps. An sm57/58 through the right preamp should suit most metal vocalists better than low cost condensers through mediocre preamps. I love my sm7b + great river , it is absolutely deadly and honestly if i had almost any piece of gear at my disposal i'd still most likely chose that combo for most applications. I feel you will outgrow a B1 or at2020 quickly, a solid dynamic microphone you will have for life. Just my 2 cents coming from someone who has wasted/spent thousands on the wrong gear or chasing something that doesnt exist.

When i hear people say dont use a dynamic. Just my 2 cents coming from someone who has wasted/spent thousands on the wrong gear or chasing something that doesnt exist.

same here, i agree.

i sometimes record vocals handheld with dynamics while music is playing out of the speakers and get great results. what matters is the performance and first of all that's what you have to try to get perfect although i generally prefer using LDCs for vocals, even cheap ones if the singer is comfortable recording that way. i tend to like the extra cleanliness and high end without that meaning it will sound better in the mix every time.