Clients' debut music video!


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

The band is called Divine Ascension and the single is 'Answers'. It's from the album 'As The Truth Appears', which is coming out in October.

We finished this record at the start of the year, after which the guys were picked up by Intromental management and most recently signed by Nightmare records in the US.

It seems to be video quarter over here, with many of my clients finishing up debut music clips.
picked up by Intromental management and most recently signed by Nightmare records in the US.

hahaha, that makes me feel good. A certain con man lead guitarist I have played for in the past is using that very same management label to try and get a deal in the US, and is failing. Nothing like some sour grapes.
mix is fucking awesome of course but the video is pretty cheesy IMO.... maybe i just don't get it.

reminds me of something Glamour Shots would do.... hahahaha... not bashing you at all Ermz, just sayin'
@Star Ark: Would I know that certain someone?

Cheers Lasse. The lead tones on this are the reamps you did with your 5150 way back.

How sick are those toms though? That's one thing that stands about this record to me. I recall not being overly impressed with them in the studio, but IMO they scrubbed up great (all bloody 6 of them). 100% raw.
Ugh...I think the other song I heared is WAY better, dunno why they'd choose something like this for a's more for the nightwish-audience I guess^^
Eduardo did the rhythm reamps for this, right?
Still sounds awesome, and damn those natural toms sound great
I love the sound/mix of everything, the song at first is kinda super gay, now it's acceptably gay, I could listen to an album of this. The video, well, besides the fact that the chick singer looks like a fish in the body of an awkwardly shaped velociraptor, still isn't too good hahaha

I do like it though
Holy shit, it's a carbon copy of Nightwish! The bassist even looks like the Nightwish drummer!

Still, great mix as usual. Toms are indeed mighty, loving the way the keys elements just blend into the background like that, instead of taking over the song focus.
those toms are 100% natural??? HOLY FUCK!

during the intro when the drummer does the little tom slam / flam thing, i was like 'holy fuck, oh yeah, signature Ermz drum tones' which to me = fucking amazing.

can't believe it! KUDOSSSSSSSSS
@Mago: It's not the song I would have chosen either, but I'm sure the band have their reasons. I feel there are a few other, more appropriate 'showpiece' songs on the record. Hopefully they will also get their own videos in time.

Eddy did the rhythm guitar reamps. 5150 III into Mesa OS, from memory. Total arsenal of mics - I can't recall what blend I used in the end, only that the amp needed a TON of EQ'ing to fit into arrangements as dense as this record. Lasse did the lead guitar reamps with a 5150.

@DanLights: The other songs on the record are quite different to 'Answers', IMO. Check out the sampler here:

@CJ: Cheers! I appreciate you overlooking that the aesthetic of the music isn't up your alley in order to appreciate what went into making it.