
YA good job, guys!

Lars - "IN YOUR ASSHOLE!" Thanks for everything this week. You guys have been so great to us. Thank you also for including us in the face hugger ;) Watch out though.....I am getting good.

Claus - "I MISS YOU, GLAUS!" Best boyfriend ever award. Miss you already....let's go finish watching our movie now before I have to leave. :cry:

GREAT SHOW GUYS!!!!!!! Can't wait for next time.
Got home as well after an exhausting 3,5 days in Copenhagen.

Thanks Claus, Lars, for this great festival. Although the venue looked a bit strange for a venue at first sight, we had about the best sound in there. Can't remember a festival with a great sound like we had in the rock throughout the entire festival (some bands had some technical difficulties and some bands were a bit loud on the drums, but overall excellent).

The highlights for me were Threshold (their best gig i've witnessed in al these years) and Andromeda (awesome!!).

Hope everybody had a blast, it was nice seeing so many familiar faces.

Great festival. Looking forward to a part II!

Best shows must be Andromeda, Machine Men, Circus Maximus (What happened to that sound, that wrecked everything? Very frustrating!), S.U.E. and Threshold.
Didn't took much pictures during the festival. The first day there was hardly any light so i decided to leave the 'gear' at the hotel for the second day and just enjoy the bands (which i did).
The light conditions during the second day were much better so i regretted i didn't bring the camera...but hey...still had a great day!!

A few from day 1 turned out acceptable, will post them some day.




great scene with the PPscan logo in the background
Quality, quality festival. It was interesting to see how it differed from the PPUK's that i've been to. I felt it was much more personal being in a smaller venue, and easier to meet the bands of course :p
So yeah well done guys, was great to see such talent - hope to see you all at PPUK III!