Connecting amp head in control room to cab in live room


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
What's the best way to do this? We've got a bantam patchbay connected to patchbay box in the live room. 24 XLR's and 8 XLR combi jack's for headphone mixes and other signals.

Can I go from my amp head into the bantam, through to one of the combi jacks, and then into my cab? Will the amp be loaded properly if I do this?
I read on here a while ago that someone just cut the ends off a long electrical extension cable and put some guitar tips on the end of them. Something about the wires inside being badass or something. I don't know, 2 scared 2 try that.
I read on here a while ago that someone just cut the ends off a long electrical extension cable and put some guitar tips on the end of them. Something about the wires inside being badass or something. I don't know, 2 scared 2 try that.

That was me, it works perfectly and cables that are rated to safely carry household power are way more robust than necessary for guitar amps.