Could This Be The End of Ticketbastards?

I confess I'm very surprised that they're so deep in debt given the outrageous fees they tack on to every sale. When I think of all the events Ticketbastard is associated with it seems impossible, or at least highly improbably, they'd lose so much cash. Clearly, whatever the business model is that they use is terribly flawed. My fear is that Ticketbastard will not even consider altering their fee structure because they need to make up that deficit as fast as possbile. I suspect that whatever modifications they make to their existing business model will still include the excessive fees to which we're all grown accustomed (and learned to abhor).

I certainly wouldn't miss Ticketbastard if it went away....
The worst thing Ticketmaster can do in a situation where a flawed system is costing a money leak is not fixing the issue. If it's free to do as it pleases, maybe it'll stop charging a billion dollars for a $10 show. I know I sure as hell find it an incredible turn off to a show that uses them.
Well they pay venues for exclusivity. If tickets sales are lower than what they expect (per venue and en masse) then they will lose money (since they base their exclusivity contracts on predicted sales).

They obviously have overhead costs as well, but not too important in this issue I'm sure.
The worst thing Ticketmaster can do in a situation where a flawed system is costing a money leak is not fixing the issue. If it's free to do as it pleases, maybe it'll stop charging a billion dollars for a $10 show. I know I sure as hell find it an incredible turn off to a show that uses them.

Yep, I've not gone to shows due to the added fees. It got too expensive at that point.
Well they pay venues for exclusivity. If tickets sales are lower than what they expect (per venue and en masse) then they will lose money (since they base their exclusivity contracts on predicted sales).

They obviously have overhead costs as well, but not too important in this issue I'm sure.

They must be paying a premium for this exclusivity. I don't know how all that gets negotiated of course but when you consider the number of venues Ticketbastard is affiliated with the math can get pretty staggering. Evidently, they missed the mark several times on projected sales.
I hear they've been getting hammered because people aren't going to shows like they were. The economy, gas prices, etc.

I hope they crash and burn personally, but some other company will step in and do something similar.

Hopefully not with the same stupidity though. Mailing me a printed ticket, for free, but charging me a couple of dollars for an emailed ticket that I have to print myself. That makes a lot of sense.
I hate ticketmaster as much as the next guy, but who's going to take their place? If so, why havent they carried tickets already for ticketmaster venues??
I wonder if some of TB's losing money is due to the fact that people are finally getting a clue about some of these so-called bands and not going to their shows? I wonder what kinds of shows are losing money and what shows are still in the black?
I've had to deal with the bullshit of "TicketBastard Exclusivity" at venues. Namely, the Emerald Theater in Mt. Clemens. They're a bunch of cocksuckers up there with their horseshit "Box Office" hours. They claim to sell tickets for their shows at the box office, yet they never seem to have the person working there who knows how to print the tickets out for people. Why? So they FORCE you to get frustrated and just slit your wrists open at the TicketBastard locations or website. The venues, because of this exclusivity, are making it harder and harder for us to circumvent TM's crap service charges, by making it inconvenient to get tickets anywhere BUT from TicketBastard.

I've skipped a few good shows, simply cuz I refused to pay the 50% increase TM creates.
Only one guy mentioning it doesn't warrant your attitude, you're an annoying guy tbh.

I'd throttle you with sarcasm, but since you're from Buffalo, I'll chalk it up to not seeing the sun in 15 years. I know. I lived there. So I'll refrain from using my biting wit.

....This once.
On a slightly refreshing note, I've noticed that there are more and more venues that are NOT using TicketBastard to handle their ticket sales. The new Verizon Wireless Amphitheater here in Atlanta is one of them, and I've seen a few others that used different ticket agencies. Even the mightiest avalanche starts with the shifting of just a few pebbles. :heh:
Live Nation has cleaned house as well. The reports coming out has Live Nation teetering on teetering rock.