CPF- Capacity & Expectations

I don't know for a fact what the venue's capacity is, but it is large .. maybe 2,000 (probably more) or so could fit in there, but for ideal band viewing maybe 750 - 1,000 might be the max. The floor level is fairly large, and the upper level has a catwalk that winds around two sides, and then a large area in which viewing wouldn't be too good. Someone correct me if they have exact figures or more knowledge than myself.

As for question #2 ... Kamelot/Epica recently had about 500 show up, and there was still plenty of room. I guess I'd say 750-1000 might be a good goal for CPF for this venue, and it might be possible to better those totals if the headliners have good drawing power. Maybe Chris or Rob can comment in this thread ?

Another question to offer is how is the delayed announcement going to affect ticket sales? People that are on the fence about flying in are likely not going to find decent airline tickets the longer they wait, but how many people will that affect? Luckily I'm within driving distance but I know if it were further that would be my concern. Personalyl I wouldn't fly in to Chicago based on the current lineup. it would take a solid headliner at this point to really sway me.
I don't know for a fact what the venue's capacity is, but it is large .. maybe 2,000 (probably more) or so could fit in there, but for ideal band viewing maybe 750 - 1,000 might be the max. The floor level is fairly large, and the upper level has a catwalk that winds around two sides, and then a large area in which viewing wouldn't be too good. Someone correct me if they have exact figures or more knowledge than myself.

As for question #2 ... Kamelot/Epica recently had about 500 show up, and there was still plenty of room. I guess I'd say 750-1000 might be a good goal for CPF for this venue, and it might be possible to better those totals if the headliners have good drawing power. Maybe Chris or Rob can comment in this thread ?


Hey Britt,

You're pretty much right on the money...all the way around. Thanks! ;)
Another question to offer is how is the delayed announcement going to affect ticket sales? People that are on the fence about flying in are likely not going to find decent airline tickets the longer they wait, but how many people will that affect? Luckily I'm within driving distance but I know if it were further that would be my concern. Personalyl I wouldn't fly in to Chicago based on the current lineup. it would take a solid headliner at this point to really sway me.

As we've stated before...our goal for this year is to draw the Chicago metalheads...and any out of towners are a much welcomed bonus. Sure, the timing may affect a little, but the majority of ppl who have supported the fest in the past already have their trip planned. Also, the next announcement should help seal the deal for many out-of-towners who are on the fence...I think/hope. ;) And if not, they'll just either have to trust us for the final headliner, or just gamble with the timing of booking their plans/trip...and risk either not going because of the cost or having to pay the extra fare price for a killer muthafuckin fest!!! Biatch! :p
And if not, they'll just either have to trust us for the final headliner, or just gamble with the timing of booking their plans/trip

So the announcement of the final headliner will indeed be delayed then? Damn - I hope you're right about the first headliner announcement, because if I'm still on the fence after it's announced, I probably won't attend regardless (likely higher airfare, plus limited time off that has be requested well in advance - if I had the days to play around with, I'd already put in for the time off, but I don't, so I need to plan them wisely).

FYI...there WILL be an announcement later today (Monday) regarding 2 more bands.

However, this will not include the final lineup as we are still waiting on 1 more band to confirm for the Saturday night headliner slot......so cross your fingers, say your prayers, or do whatever it is you prefer to do in order to send us all the possible good mojo we need to help make this final band a done deal. :worship:

Thanks! ;)