Crazy Metal Chicks from Japan!

I've seen an ad for them in Young Guitar magazine which I have a subscription to. I was wondering what they would sound like. It's actually a pretty good song. The singer is really good I think. I'll have to check out more of them. Hot Japanese women + good songs = win.
If more female fronted bands sounded like this, I'd actually listen to them. The Nightwish/ Evanescence shit is totally played out in my opinion. This is good even if I can't understand a word....
much better than that Arven shit you posted...and what's up with the video stopping at the guitar solo???
There have always been all-female bands with moderate popularity in the indies scene in Japan. It's very rare that they stick together and break through though.

That said, this group looks significantly more "idol" than most of the other all-girl bands I've seen...Was really surprised to learn that they're not an Avex band. However, their label, Spinning, is primarily an independent label for foreign artists and they specialize in female vocalists. They've started a new label specifically for all-girl Japanese metal bands called Bright Star Records but I think this band is their only artist. The Japanese music industry is very weird and sketchy with money. I'm really interested to know who is controlling the money here (like Dynamite Tommy pretty much does with VK...).

Check out the early years of HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR. 2004-2008 when they had Mākii. She had a voice I really liked and the band had really catchy songs.
They might be a bit too Pop for a lot of people here though.

Their cover of Luna Sea's "Rosier" is immense.
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There have always been all-female bands with moderate popularity in the indies scene in Japan. It's very rare that they stick together and break through though.

Yes! One of the few that's still around and I have an ounce of interest in is exist†trace. I didn't care for them at first, but they've been growing on me. This song and video helped to changed my mind.

Their cover of Luna Sea's "Rosier" is immense.
That's pretty good! The only thing I've really listened to of High & Mighty Color is their cover of TMR's "Hot Limit"... it was alright, but they chose to mix in the rap bits from the UNDER:COVER version of which I am not much of a fan, to say the least. Too bad the band broke up, a lot of people seemed to love them.
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At least I'm going to trust you guys and assume they're women. You can never tell with some of these bands...

It was way better than I thought it was going to be. I wouldn't buy an album, but fun to watch a video from time to time.