Crowpath - One with Filth


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Crowpath – One with Filth
Willowtip Records – WT-067 - 25 November 2008
By Jason Jordan


After hearing Red on Chrome in 2004 and Son of Sulphur in 2005, I was skeptical that Sweden’s Crowpath would be able to surpass their debut and sophomore full-lengths. Yes, they retained their complex instrumentation and breakneck tempo on One with Filth, but they’ve also simplified and slowed their approach. Rather than delivering a total blur, many songs rely on the strength of groove. And for better or worse, their third outing isn’t so much a step forward or step back for this frenetic trio, but a lateral move.

The opening title track is business as usual—fast, chaotic grindeath metal—and business is good. ‘Where Dolls Do Sin’ contains the sludgy riffs and middle-pace tempo I was talking about earlier, offering a more straightforward proposition that is easier to comprehend. The latter half of ‘Fondling the Grotesque’ unfolds in a similar manner, and is a solid display of Crowpath’s duel nature. Unfortunately, the two tracks I don’t care for are the noise-oriented ‘I Gryningen’ and sluggish, instrumental outro ‘Retarded Angel’. Otherwise, One with Filth excels at what it does.

Those who own Crowpath’s back catalog have another addition to make to what is turning out to be a fine discography. The inexperienced might as well start here, even if this three-piece aren’t quite as visceral from start to finish as they used to be. More importantly, they have a unique sound, and OwF is a refreshing change of pace.

Official Crowpath Website
Official Crowpath Myspace
Official Willowtip Records Website