Date hopes


Jan 5, 2004
I would really love it if prog power 6 was on September 23rd and 24th, only because i have made this trip for the past two years as my birthday present to myself and i turn 21 on the 22nd. i so can not wait.
Haha!! :tickled: That was so me a few years ago. I wanted PP to be AFTER 10/10 because it was my 21st birthday!! :cool: It ended up being ~9/4 & 9/5 I think :confused: , so last year was my first official legal drinking age PP. :loco: Oh well...... better luck to you :)
nightwish58 said:
I hope it is not that weekend as I have a damn wedding to go to. That would really suck to have to miss my best friend's wedding:)
Would you really skip the wedding and come to PP?
tooobad71 said:
I would skip my own wedding if it was scheduled on the same weekend as PP6. (*Note- if i was getting married).

Thats nuts, i would just plan my wedding for a wed. or make it in augest and have prog power be my honny moon. that would rock, or even see if you could get married at prog power, danm if that would not be fun.
nightwish58 said:
Unfortunately I would not be able to skip the wedding as I am in the bridal party and it is one of my best friends. I would be so pissed if it fell on that weekend :yell:
That's surprising actually. I could so see you skipping the wedding for PP. Did you even try to convince him to change the date to sometime other than September?
Bad Girl Tess said:
That's surprising actually. I could so see you skipping the wedding for PP. Did you even try to convince him to change the date to sometime other than September?
No shot, they booked it without even conferring with me; the nerve of some people!!!! Well, I will just pray it is not that weekend