Deen gets kicked...

kind of saw this coming. Deen was a black eye on the band at the moment with his recent actions
What a disappointment. I've always appreciated Deen's abilities as a drummer and a singer. When I heard about the first offense, I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt, as none of us were there to see what really happened. After this occurrence, however, it's hard not to think of the guy as a scumbag.

Stay metal. Never rust.
To be honest, I had been completely ignorant of his domestic issues. Unfortunate, since he's a talented individual, but given the circumstances, I can understand why Journey needed to do this.
What a disappointment. I've always appreciated Deen's abilities as a drummer and a singer. When I heard about the first offense, I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt, as none of us were there to see what really happened. After this occurrence, however, it's hard not to think of the guy as a scumbag.

I dunno. If it's two different girlfriends (the 2012 and recent incidents), then I'm more inclined to think "scumbag." But if it's the same girl both times (and we don't know), I'm more skeptical.

I say this from personal experience. My ex-wife called the police on me multiple times, claiming I'd hit her, pushed her, or whatever. The truth is that I never laid a finger on her.

It took me a while to figure out that she was doing it as a way to try to control me.

One of the cops that SHE called actually told me (after he and another cop had talked to her separately) that "you need to get out of this relationship." His words, not mine. He said he'd been a cop long enough that he could tell she was lying, but she was trying REALLY hard to get them to arrest me. He said she was initially holding her hand to one side of her face "where he hit me," but later she was holding the other side. Oops. So, they obviously didn't believe her, but as the cop said to me, maybe the next cop she calls will. We split up 4 months later, thankfully.

After my experience, I'm always a bit skeptical unless they are physical signs. It's just hard to tell the liars from the victims, and that's the sad part. Manipulative liars like my ex make people question *actual* abuse. If you hear too many kids crying wolf, you're hesitant to believe any of them anymore.

Going back to Deen, the other guys in Journey obviously know WAY more about it than us, so I'm actually more inclined to believe Deen really is an abuser because the band was convinced enough to boot him....unless they just were doing damage control to the band's brand. Hard to say.

You make some very good points, Craig. There really is no way to tell the truth about Castronovo ' s situation without proper evidence. I certainly kept the "cry wolf" idea in mind upon hearing about the first occurrence, but I was quicker to dismiss that idea this time. It's a shame that you had such an experience in a previous relationship. Thankfully, that time is over for you. At any rate, you helped me to keep a more open mind about this.

As for the band's reaction, I wouldn't be surprised if they were merely distancing themselves. This wouldn't be the first time they swept things under the rug when things didn't look good. When accusations of lip - synching were being made in growing numbers against Steve Augeri, he was out of the band pretty quickly.

Stay metal. Never rust.
DEEN CASTRONOVO In A Whole World Of Trouble


Drummer Deen Castronovo was arraigned Tuesday, on several charges, including rape and sexual assault, in connection with an alleged domestic violence incident on June 14.

Castronovo, 50, appeared in a suicide smock at the Marion County Courthouse Annex where he was formally charged with five counts of fourth-degree assault, one count of first-degree rape, two counts of menacing, one count of unlawful use of a weapon, one count of second-degree assault, one count of second-degree sex abuse, one count of coercion, one count of second-degree criminal mischief, and three counts of contempt of court, according to the indictment.

Court documents indicate Castronovo, who is the drummer for the rock band Journey, was arrested on a grand jury indictment Monday in Salem. The indictment indicates the alleged abuse took place between April 25, 2015, and June 29, 2015. He is scheduled to appear before the judge July 1st.
Well, this is a terrible turn of events; I'm sad to hear it.

I bought the Revolution Saints album recently. It's actually pretty good: [ame=""][/ame]
It gets worse....

Oregon judge denies bail for Journey drummer

The Journey drummer was high on meth and hallucinating when he was arrested two weeks ago and accused of misdemeanor assault and menacing, his attorney said Wednesday during a bail hearing.
Castronovo's attorney Jeffrey Jones asked an Oregon judge to set his bail at $50,000, saying he would be driven straight to a rehab clinic if released. Castronovo was released on bail after he was arrested June 14 and ordered to stay away from the woman who's accused him of raping her.

Despite the court order, prosecutors said Castronovo has texted the woman 122 times and called her 35 times since he posted bail, with his messages swinging between contrition and threats.
The 50-year-old drummer was booked into the Marion County Jail after a grand jury indicted him Monday.

During the bail hearing, Marion County Deputy District Attorney Jennifer Gardiner played two voice mails Castronovo left for the victim. In them Castronovo first accuses the woman of "destroying my life because of the things I did to you" before ending the message with "I love you, thanks." He can be heard crying in the second voice mail and says, "thank you for turning me in. Thank you for ruining my life even more."
Marion County Circuit Judge Channing Bennett denied bail for the rock band drummer, saying his repeated attempts to contact the victim show that he poses a threat.
"My finding is he has no regard for the court's order," Bennett said. "I do find he is a danger to the victim."
DEEN CASTRONOVO Pleads Guilty; Handed 4yr Probation


Journey drummer Deen Castronovo was handed a suspended sentence and four years of probation after pleading guilty to domestic violence crimes on Monday, Oct. 12.
Castronovo, 51, pleaded guilty to two counts of fourth-degree assault constituting domestic violence, two counts of menacing constituting domestic violence, unlawful use of a weapon and coercion.
If he violates the terms of his probation, a sentence of five years and five months in prison could be imposed.

While on probation, Castronovo cannot enter into a romantic relationship without permission from his probation officer, use controlled substances or alcohol, contact the victim, leave Oregon or enter into any bars unless for employment purposes, among other things.
Marion County Circuit Judge Jamese Rhoades also required Castronovo to undergo counseling for domestic violence and drug abuse.

For the record - here is a post from Deen's ex-wife:

Shelly Baughman Castronovo writes:

I feel like the media has made people into sheep! The truth... Deidra Witmer the woman who accused Deen of these charges has had a pattern of of bad relationships. They pushed each other...yes...but she was on a flight to Cabo the day after the arrest. She was riding horses on the beach an partying 2 days after that. Deen was in a toxic relationship.
...he at the height of drug abuse...she...with 3 dui's. He did violate the no contact order due to drugs but she has been in fights with prior issues with the law except with her. The same can not be said of her. I am tired of people vilifying a man I have known and loved for 33 years...married for 10. He is the father of my son and another beautiful boy. PLEASE don't be so quick to cast the first stone! He was wrong in pushing her...she was wrong on pushing back!!!! Please don't judge what you don't know!

"...Neal Schon (founding member and lead guitarist), original member Ross Valory (bass), and longtime members Jonathan Cain (keyboardist) and Arnel Pineda (lead singer), are welcoming virtuoso drummer Steve Smith back into Journey, marking the first time he will perform with the band since 1998. Schon and Smith have always remained close friends and musical collaborators. Smith has lent his incredible talent to several of Schon’s solo albums, including critically acclaimed The Calling, and, most recently, Vortex...."