Deppresion Metal


Sep 6, 2007
Well, that's my name for it anyway. Not quite doom, but I put Sentenced and a couple of the Paradise Lost albums (Icon & Draconian Times) in this category. Okay, I'll get to my point. I miss Sentenced, does anyone know of any bands that have a similar stlye? I know Laihala sings for a band called Poisonblack, but I have not heard them, are there any simialrities? Thanks.
The only band I've ever heard as labeled "depressive metal" is Katatonia. Their latest effort is simply amazing, no matter what you classify their music as.
The most depressing thing that I can sit down and listen to would be a tossup between My Dying Bride (almost anything) and the band The Rapture and the album from them called Futile. Both are quite depressing. As is Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness.
Well, that's my name for it anyway. Not quite doom, but I put Sentenced and a couple of the Paradise Lost albums (Icon & Draconian Times) in this category. Okay, I'll get to my point. I miss Sentenced, does anyone know of any bands that have a similar stlye? I know Laihala sings for a band called Poisonblack, but I have not heard them, are there any simialrities? Thanks.

Being a huge Sentenced fan I also have all of Poisonblack's stuff. It's very, very similar, if you only got one get Lust Stained Despair, its the best one of the three they have. Other bands that fit this description: (besides the wonderful Paradise Lost, those 2 albums you listed are must haves!)

My Dying Bride
Lacrimas Profundere
Lake of Tears
Trail of Tears
The Vision Bleak
Virgin Black
a) I'm depressive by nature so anything can depress me if I'm down even thrash!
b) I have never found doom depressing actually is quite calming and relaxing.
c) I have never found Sentenced or Poisonblack depressing. I guess Tiamat or Black Crucifixion can have a better ambiental mood towards that effect but again it depends on you YOU feel.

Now if you looking for depressing lyrics, there are everywhere in all bands one way or another IMO.
Well, that's my name for it anyway. Not quite doom, but I put Sentenced and a couple of the Paradise Lost albums (Icon & Draconian Times) in this category. Okay, I'll get to my point. I miss Sentenced, does anyone know of any bands that have a similar stlye? I know Laihala sings for a band called Poisonblack, but I have not heard them, are there any simialrities? Thanks.

The first Poisonblack is great, plus Laihala doesn't sing on it, just plays guitar. That's the way it should've stayed. The second Poisonblack effort, Lust Stain Despair is good, but Laihala is both singing and playing guitar. The latest Poisonblack is depressing, but because it SUCKS so bad!!! Basically, Laihala has stripped Poisonblack from being a really good goth metal band to a run of the mill Nickleblack wannabe band...all within two releases! :erk:

I would describe them as more *depressive* than *depressing*, but check out Darkseed:

One of my very very favorite bands, tons of great songs... never see them mentioned in dark or gothic metal discussion, however..

In terms of things that actually kind of have a depressing effect on me or strike me as definitively depressing (which isn't negative, just different than Darkseed), I would have to say:

Antimatter - Lights Out
Gris - Il était une forêt

and a lot of Celtic Frost - Monotheist

are all for when I need to just kind of curl up and die for a while.
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Excellent, thanks for all the suggestions. I do have all the Katatonia and Tiamat, but now I have a bunch of other stuff to check out.
Being a huge Sentenced fan I also have all of Poisonblack's stuff. It's very, very similar, if you only got one get Lust Stained Despair, its the best one of the three they have. Other bands that fit this description: (besides the wonderful Paradise Lost, those 2 albums you listed are must haves!)

My Dying Bride
Lacrimas Profundere
Lake of Tears
Trail of Tears
The Vision Bleak
Virgin Black

Good list here... I would especially recommend checking out Agalloch, Anathema, and Moonspell.

The only other band that Id like to throw out there isnt really metal.... but I know a bunch of metal heads who like them. Its a two man setup, one used to be in Anathema.

It's a descriptive term, not a genre label.
I initially read it as the OP looking for metal fitting for these economic times lyrically or musically. Doesn't seem quite what he meant.

On Sentenced: once they were at the Frozen - Funeral Album period, I've liked to think of them as the band that succeeded in the 90s where Metallica didn't - writing very catchy metal that sits in the area occupied by Load & ReLoad, but being better at it.