
God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
So, I have heard the name ever since arriving at my first PPUSA 10 years ago, but have never really gave him the old college try. Every time I listen to something by him, it's pretty weird; the only thing I own by DT is Ghost, which is basically a new agey mellow instrumental album. Please chime in with your "get to know a band" tips so that I may enjoy the headliner next year. Thanks!
Devy has been all over the place musically, so I'm not sure anyone can give you a single "go-to" album.

Ghost and Ki are the new-age, mellow Devy.

Addicted! and Epicloud are the poppy, upbeat Devy.

Deconstructed and Physicist are the brutally crushing Devy.

Ziltoid and Ziltoid 2 are the good-ball cheesy Devy.

Terria, Synchestra, and Accelerated Evolution are the most "contained" Devy, with a more focused, serious attention to the music.

Seriously, Devin has been so all over the place it's hard to say WHAT to check out. Best bet might just be the recent live album (Retinal Circus) as it touches a bit on everything.

Devin is one of the most genuine, energetic, honest musicians out there, and will be one HELL of a show. The man is an absolute natural showman, and brings it live like no one else.
I just typed a super long response going over all the phases of his career and all his albums, and then my phone crashed. I don't think I'm going to type it again. :(

But I think Glenn's recommendation is a good one. That is a sampling of stuff over his whole career. It is a good place to start, and if nothing else, very entertaining. Aside from Pink Floyd, it is the best live show I have ever seen!
I think if you were going to pick one album, I'd pick Epicloud. For me, it really compresses everything Hevy Devy is about right now in one album.

And yes, The Retinal Circus is pretty awesome as an overview of his career.
I would suggest The Retinal Circus Blu-Ray. It's one of the best I own. It ranks up there with Anathema's Universal in quality.

That blu-ray is awesome ... and the stage show is off the hook craziness. Any chance there will be a stage show of sorts at prog power? I'm guessing that it would be cost prohibitive, but figured I'd ask anyway.

I was introduced to Devin Townsend with the album Terria, and it was specifically the song "Earth Day" that blew me away. It's still one of my all time favorite songs.

I quickly found Strapping Young Lad, and when the Alien album came out I was obsessed.

But a lot of the "Better Know a Band" threads were good for giving you an idea of what the band will play live, which I do think can be accomplished by watching one of the concert DVDs. When I finally saw him live, it was DTP's rendition of the song "Kingdom" that really took my breath away. I'm super happy they re-recorded it for the Epicloud album.

I really have no idea what the man will pull out. But if he plays "Earth Day" I'll go nuts. If he actually plays any SYL material, I might go into giddy school girl mode.
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I've not successfully "gotten" Devy yet, but I enjoy the hell out of him as a person. I'm going to give him another solid shot soon, though.
I still love going back to the VAI Sex and Religion album - i know that is more Steve than Devin, but there are some amazing vocals on there. and Devin is a really undervalued guitarist IMO.

With Anneke there, he will probably do more stuff she can contribute I would assume. and doesnt he seem to shy away from SYL stuff?
That's an understatement. He completely distances himself from it. He did two SYL songs during Retinal Circus since it covered his entire career, but don't expect to ever see him do any of that stuff again.

is it known why? does he do an Sex & Religion stuff?
is it known why? does he do an Sex & Religion stuff?

I don't know that this is directly related to SYL, but he has done interviews where he is very candid about his emotional state of being, as well as substance abuse issues, and basically said that he simply isn't in the same place he was years ago. Someone asked him why his music doesn't have the old "anger", and he said that you can't be genuine and write "angry" when you AREN'T angry. He's got a family, and actually toyed with retirement several years back simply because he doesn't have the same sense of angst that he used to when writing....

That's a big part of what I love about the guy..... He is 100% GENUINE. He does what he feels, and to hell with the consequences.

As for the Sex & Religion stuff, I've never heard of him doing it, but he SHOULD. That was Vai's best album, hands down.
There was also that time where he quit taking his biploar meds for a long time and didn't wash his skullet for months. Devin can be a weird one.
Upon the PPUSA announcement, I picked up Retinal Circus, and I'm listening to to the CD for the first time. To be honest, I'm not sure what to make of it. It sounds pretty cool, but I can't really say why. Is that a common reaction for him?