Did anyone else get sick?

I got a sore throat on Thursday, which persisted until Saturday. On the way home on Sunday I started getting super congested and got a cough. I've been running fevers off and on since Monday, and went to the ER last night because my nose started bleeding uncontrollably (I never get nosebleeds, so they freak me out). Thankfully it stopped for the most part by the time we got there, so I didn't go in. Still running a fever today, but I have an appointment tomorrow morning to see what the hell is going on.

On top of all this, I've missed an entire week of classes so now I'm painfully behind. Guess I've had some bad karma stored up for a while. :p
Thus far I'm in the cold-zone. I'll take the positive viewpoint that if I get the nauseated version I'll call it part of my 'diet plan'... The ProgPower Diet- I went to PPUSA and lost 10lbs FAST! I think my boobs grew and people now like me better.

Hope all of you feel better soon.
I highly recommend Oil of Wild Oregano... it's potent, wicked stuff, but if you can take it, you only need to take it for a few days and can be over your sore throat/cold issues in 2-4 days, so long as it's bacterial and not viral.
Use it along with whatever else you do for your cold... soup, hot liquids, lots of rest, etc... works every time.
I just got back from the doctor with a big ole pack of antibiotics......Bronchitis.

Felt 100% before the fest. I've felt like garbage ever since returning from the fest, but figured that was merely 2 days in a row of keeping my vodka/blood content elevated 12 hours at a time and lack of sleep. Fever and cough only just started last night, so hopefully that means I caught the bug there at the fest and wasn't spreading the plague there to other folks.

I just want to know how any bacteria lived through the Absolut and Vikingfjord swimming in my bloodstream.
Well after countless years of getting sick EVERY SINGLE YEAR after Progpower, I have (scientifically proven) realized that Progpower is literally a breeding ground for terrible colds that spread veeeeery easily. So this year I brought hand sanitizer (which I religiously applied every two hours or so) plus a bottle of Vitamin C (250mg each) which I took 6 times throughout the day starting the day before progpower and ending the day after. Needless to say this is the first year I didn't get sick. I'm proud of myself yayayayay!
I'm sick as a dog right now but when I left for the fest there were a couple sick people in my house so I'm sure they sneezed on every surface they could find. But I'm sure the lack of sleep Saturday night broke down my resistance levels.
At least this year's version appears to be short-lived. Mine started on Monday, and I'm already feeling much better.
I think it is the smoke . I could smell it very strongly in my seat at times. I think they blow it in to make the lights look better. I sat right under the smoke blower one year and was sick for a month. I just could not shake it. It was a machine in the back behind the mixing board up high. Get rid of it Glenn !
I am sick now. I think it has more to do with my son giving me his cold then from ProgPower. Jim is just fine as always. He smokes, but I am the one who gets sick. Maybe I should take up smoking.
Nathan & I are starting to resemble normal human beings again. Neither of us are 100% better yet, but I'm a little closer. I only had the congestion for about a day and a half, but the nausea is persistent. :ill:
...if you take zinc when you are starting to feel sick, it makes the sickness linger a little bit longer but it won't get any worse....i have tried it and it does just that, but i found it bothers my tummy...

..it's been so long since i have been sick that i forgot what i would take...this time was just the one motrin, chicken soup, green tea & naps :)
At least this year's version appears to be short-lived. Mine started on Monday, and I'm already feeling much better.

After reading this thread, I can thankfully say that I'm in this camp. After about 2 days of sore throat and now another 2 of coughing, sneezing, and runny nose, I'm feeling a good bit better.

This is what we get for being so social! :kickass:
LOL! That stuff is a godsend, let me tell you. I'm about 85% Cured after 2 days, just coughing the shit out now.

I think I'm at about 85% right now, too. I stayed home from work today, but I had already asked for the day off in advance so it was kinda timely. Vacation time instead of the uber-precious, we-only-ever-accrue-4-hours-per-payperiod sick leave. (My fellow federal employees know allll about this. :p )

I saw a report yesterday stating that between 90-95% of flu-like symptoms at this time are actually mild cases of the H1N1 virus. There's a fair chance that some of us have it.

So my cold's not bad, but it's lingering, dammit. Ugh. SO MUCH SNOT.

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