Dimebag Darrell was killed tonight...

Its everywhere now. I read on the message board of the club that it was more than one shooter,people said a guy jumped on stage and shot Darrell in the head and after he fell too, WTF??. Supposeldy one shooter is dead and one is in jail. Such a tragedy


Holy shit....

I don't even know where to start with this; this is just unbelieveable...

*shakes his head*

Pantera were huge to me back in the 90s... this is really fucked up and horrible...

I just couldn't believe it when I heard it on the news this morning. It's getting to the point where you can't enjoy anything anymore from a concert to a friggin' basketball game.

Glenn, if you have to subject us to metal detectors and security patdowns we understand!

This is just too much, absolutely unacceptable. Not to mention the fire in RI a few years ago. Security needs to be #1 priority for everyone.

Damn shame that the rest of the world can't go by the same code as us music lovers!
I heard about this and was pretty pissed off at the utter disrespect of the whole thing. The obvious problem was this guy had a very small penis and worshipped pantera. While he could deal with his undersized appendage as long as pantera were together, the break up must have just caused his already imbalanced testosterone levels to go totally crazy... and thus his rude, disrespective, 'gangsta' style execution.

This is NOT characteristic of a metalhead, but of a (possibly gender) confused individual that probably put more attention into shit like 2pac or some other famous wannabe dead rapper and decided it would be good for history like that. While Dimebag will go down as a martyr, he probably hoped his name would rise to the top as well, but people will soon forget him and he will be obscured in the sands of time, while immortality will reign for DD.

Can you imagine if some nut decided to infiltrate Prog Power...

First off, it would never happen. REAL metalheads are far too civilized and respectful for this, and it would take lots of pre-medidated action, because of the cost of tickets, the fact they sell out months before the show, etc... An act like this is obviously quite whimsical in nature.

Secondly, there would be no need for the cops to come in to take care of the perpetrator because I bet you at least 9 out of 10 PP-ers would be on this guy like stink on shit, risking anything to prevent further damage to any other band member, metalhead or even guitar. Once detained, the psychopath wannabe would then learn the meaning of suffering as thousands of upset metalheads would make sure they got their own 2cents of punishment in if/before the more lenient and corrupt judicial system got a hold of him.

Heavy Metal is NOT a music genre. Nor is it a democracy, judicial system, form of simple entertainment, pragmatic cult, or whatever politically correct jargon you want to use to describe it.
Heavy Metal IS a tight, respectful, civilized and appreciative BROTHERHOOD and family.

I was never a HUGE pantera fan, but I was a fan nonetheless. And despite my wimpy fragile nature I would have had no second thoughts about going after this jerkwad myself (if logic wasn't totally against it, ie: he was 500 feet across the floor and on stage and I have to run on the backs of thousands of people where I could be singled out easily with plenty of time to aim a gun at my head)

I think that anyone around the area this happened should take time off to visit this guys funeral or grave and summon up the most mucus-filled spit you can muster to equate the vile disrespect he has given us.

Imagine the shit that is going to go around now... how "heavy metal is violent and causes murderous actions/intent" ... one f***stick ruins it for the whole.
enki3600 said:
REAL metalheads are far too civilized and respectful for this,

let's not bring the definition of "true" metalheadism into this, please. it's a tragedy any way you look at it, and i don't think his uncivilized and disrespectful behavior was any more typical of damageplan fans than it would be of any other music's fans, progpower or otherwise. it has everything to do with him being completely fucked in the head and nothing to do with his musical taste.

on the update front, Vinnie Paul is fine, as are the other two band members, though I heard that their vocalist Patrick Lachman (guitarist for Halford & Diesel Machine) was shot in the leg.

There were five people killed: Darrell, the shooter, two audience members, and Damageplan's head of security. two wounded (Lachman i presume was one of them)

According to MTV, there were 5 dead and 2 wounded and only one shooter, now one of those 5 dead. Imagine, Vinnie had to watch his guitarist and BROTHER killed.

Definitely a sad day. I loved Pantera, saw them many times back in the day.