Distorted Tunes Test


Nov 19, 2005
Take the test here, and post your results.

My Results:
You correctly identified 19 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.
Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.

I didn't recognize about four of them, so I have no idea if they were played correctly or not.
You correctly identified 25 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.

Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.
26/26. The wrong notes for the "No" answers were typically jarring enough that I would just click the back button immediately and answer "No" without bothering to let the song finish.
I correctly identified that the pop-up window to complete a new survey about the music survey caused the music survey to revert back to the beginning (with none of my answers shown).

Went against the rules and added background noise, and still got 26/26. Way too easy and silly test. Haha, I'd like to hear the same test but with notes flat/sharp instead of just plain wrong notes.
You correctly identified 25 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.

Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.

You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.

Obviously it's was a very basic level test.
You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.

Easy peasy. :) There was one tune that I didn't recognize, and I assumed that because I was unable to ID it, that it was probably not played correctly.