Dragonforce officially mainstream

OK, I'm offically confused. Dragonforce must have SOMETHING that these other bands don't, and we just can't hear it.

I was driving with a couple of my friends in my car. These friends do NOT like metal, they are into Top40, rap, dance, shit, etc. Anyway, I was blasting some blind guardian, and they think it's crap. So I try switching to Angra, they think it's ok for the first 2 seconds, and then theyre were like "wait a second, this sucks." And then I put in dragonforce.

One friend was like "Yeah, now this is better at least." And the other one agreed, and went as far as to say he actually liked them. I'll grant it that Dragonforce sounds different than those other 2 bands, but I find it so weird that bands who are often grouped together can be perceived so differently by people who arent typically fans of the genre.

This officially convinced me that Dragonforce is about to blow up in the United States and become huge. And I still have no idea why.
My friend Alex doesn't like metal at all. Sampled the album at Hot Topic, bought it, and blasted it all the way back from the mall. Thus proving your point.
That is the among strangest things I've ever heard of in the musical world in quite some time. More power to 'em, though. I'm expecting an under 25 non-metal crowd at the ATL show, for the most part.
Yep, and many of those younger kids could be wearing CoB t-shirts, or have them at home. At the Slayer show last week, I noticed a sharp age difference.....Slayer fans were oldest (unsurprisingly), LoG and Mastodon fans were middlin'.......but almost without exception, everyone entering the show wearing a CoB t-shirt was under 21. Some looked to be 14-16.

Mind you, this isn't a Bad Thing. Any kid who's into CoB (or Dragonforce) instead of rap or hip-hop is a victory somewhere. :D
Pellaz said:
LoG and Mastodon fans were middlin'.......but almost without exception, everyone entering the show wearing a CoB t-shirt was under 21. Some looked to be 14-16.

Mind you, this isn't a Bad Thing. Any kid who's into CoB (or Dragonforce) instead of rap or hip-hop is a victory somewhere. :D

Agree completely, Pellaz! I'm not sure how much of this backlash is the typical "metal fans' dislike of the popular" and how much is general disgruntlement because Dragonforce is popular and fill-in-the-blank band is not. I say, it doesn't really matter why a metal band is popular, and it is a good thing for the industry.

I doubt we're ever going to see the heyday of the 80's again, but I don't want to see the languishing of the 90's grunge movement either. Anything that keeps metal bands earning money keeps the industry going. Exposure to one type of metal music may bring fans to other bands as they explore this "new" genre of music.

I like Dragonforce. I've been a fan since I downloaded their songs as Dragonheart from MP3.com. That said, they are certainly not my favorite band, they do get redundant after a bunch of songs, and there are definitely other bands more deserving of praise. However, I am all for any type of metal popularity. I can't explain it, but I'm glad DF is getting sales and recognition, and hope it leads to some resurgence of metal.

I don't care if my favorite bands are popular or not, so long as they keep making great music.

Steve in Philly
Pellaz said:
Yep, and many of those younger kids could be wearing CoB t-shirts, or have them at home. At the Slayer show last week, I noticed a sharp age difference.....Slayer fans were oldest (unsurprisingly), LoG and Mastodon fans were middlin'.......but almost without exception, everyone entering the show wearing a CoB t-shirt was under 21. Some looked to be 14-16.

Mind you, this isn't a Bad Thing. Any kid who's into CoB (or Dragonforce) instead of rap or hip-hop is a victory somewhere. :D
Just to add to this, I was using Rhapsody (that music program) today, and listed under top "Progressive Metal bands" were the following:

1. Cold
2. Queensryche
3. Dragonforce
4. Dream Theater
5. Faith No More
6. Rainbow
7. Extreme
8. Buckethead
9. Opeth
10. Uriah Heep
AND under progressive metal, they have top tracks Numbers:

1, 6, 7, 17, 19, 20, 34, 36, 37, 44

pretty crazy. as much as i love dragonforce, it's weird as hell to see them getting recognized by so many other people
Looks like (as usual) there are too many harumphs and not enough disciples. Like a few here, I like the idea of Dragonforce getting notoriety, and power metal in general for that matter. Doesn't matter that much who carries the torch, just so some band does. And as for the one who mentioned payola for DF getting on Ozzfest, every band has to pay Ozzy's wife to play that festival. Takes it out of the league of 'sharing good talent with the word' to 'palm greasing', but that's the way she set it all up. Oh well.... in a perfect world.....

woosta said:
I just saw their shirt at Hot Topic tonight. How did this happen? I don't get it. Are they really different than most of the bands we talk about around here? I mean, why Dragonforce and not Stratovarius or Symphony X?
Yeah Ned I agree with you for the most part, I enjoy metal getting more popular (except tickets prices will go up, venues will get larger and less intimate, etc.)

I'm just still wondering...why them and no one else?
I agree on all you said. I guess though, there will always be the metal band (or band in any genre) who surprises everyone by rising to the top real fast. Iron Maiden was that way, albeit on a higher level and in a much different time frame, but still the same general concept. Holy geez, I sound like a geek album reviewer. :loco:

Petethedrummer said:
Yeah Ned I agree with you for the most part, I enjoy metal getting more popular (except tickets prices will go up, venues will get larger and less intimate, etc.)

I'm just still wondering...why them and no one else?
I doubt anyone really cares at this point, but more Dragonforce info I randomly came across while at work today:

Dragonforce debuted 3 weeks ago at #103 on the Billboard chart, and at week 3 is now at #140; On the "New Artist Album" chart, they are currently #1. ((FYI these numbers are based on numbers of album sales in the US).

that's right. Number 1.
I, within the past week or 2, have started having people come up to me and say things like "you're all into that Euro-metal... do you like DragonForce".
I've heard of them, and heard a bit by them, but honestly just don't like them that much.
I'm absolutely thrilled that there's a band getting the buzz they're getting and hopefully turning on the light for many, many more fans out there so we can get some progmetal airplay, etc.

But, the simple fact is I *am* sad it's DF. I just find their music annoying.
First, the speed. Sometimes slow is good. Although I can be impressed with the guitar work, the riffs, the 'catchiness' of a song... after a couple of songs in a row I find myself wondering what they'd sound like if they laid off the frappacinos for a while.
Second, the keyboard. This is a general comment about many progmetal bands. The keyboard is a great BACKGROUND instrument, but in the 'front and center', it's just bloody annoying. I love Kamelot, but sometimes the keyboarding just drives me to switch the song!
With DF, the Keyboard just jumps out of the song and drives me crazy.

Lay off the keyboard a bit, and realize once in a while you don't have to go full speed at all times
(caveat: I admit I've not heard all songs off of all albums, but please note my opinions are my own, and based on the sampling I've been able to endure)