Echoes of Eternity for the Showcase


Magnitude 9 Fan
May 3, 2006
Myrtle Beach, SC
Browsing around the internet i came across this band, and OMG they are fucking amazing!!!!! I was blown away upon hearing their music They have their first cd: The Forgotten Goddess coming out Feb. 2.
Some samples can be heard here...

I think that they would be a great addition to the PP Showcase lineup.
The music is good. Even if people don't like the music, they'll probably stay for the singer.
I really like this band. I first came across them along time ago before they got signed to the major label and was impressed back then. Would love to see them at the Showcase.
I have been a fan of this band for sometime now.
Though I personally feel a few of the songs start to sound the same.
But I would truly love to see this band. Also must say that they are very nice people from what I can tell. I talked with him a few times in the past and they were always very cool.

So yeah Glenn check em out .