Embodiment - Legeon


Oct 22, 2006
Embodiment - Legeon
Self Released - Out Now

By Daniel Fisher


Embodiment are a melodic thrash outfit who have already released 3 demos and so here we are with their first full release, featuring several old cuts that have been polished and refined to a standard worthy of being on the final album.

Each song is a self contained frenzy of blasts, violent guitars with nice leads and raw, thrashy vocals. Embodiment also use melody well in their songs and together with a good sense of structuring a classic metal song these guys should go far. I would say that the band is moving towards a more agressive sound, perhaps death metal with thrash influences from the early 90s and to be honest, when you listen to tracks like 'The Embodiment' and 'Legeon', it doesnt do the band's sound any harm at all.

The thing that lets it down is the production. The drummer sounds like he's hitting pots and pans in places and the guitars are abrasive to the ear and not in a deliberate black metal way.
Embodiment can obviously play and write well but they really need to put some money and care into the production if they are going to compete with the other big boys from the Netherlands and beyond.

Official Embodiment Website