Enough of Jon Oliva already


Feb 22, 2006
Granted, I don't know much at all about this guy or his music, but come on, enough of him already at ProgPower. What was it a few year ago, special appearance by The Mountain King, then Weapons of Mass Destruction featuring Jon Oliva, and this year and next.

What am I missing?
Try to listen to his music and maybe you'll like it. If you do, it won't seem like TOO MUCH Oliva =)
Granted, I don't know much at all about this guy or his music, but come on, enough of him already at ProgPower. What was it a few year ago, special appearance by The Mountain King, then Weapons of Mass Destruction featuring Jon Oliva, and this year and next.

What am I missing?

Apparently, your missing his music. I grew up with Savatage, and Jon Oliva is a brilliant musician. I look to him like Dio, Priest, or Maiden. But if you don't like him, it's cool, but a LOT of people at ProgPower (like me)can't get enough.
^ not only for those with Mr. Zane's perspective, but some youngsters like me, too. I was learning to walk and talk when Savatage was making their first waves. These guys aren't getting any younger. I'll never get to see them in their hayday, so this is as good as it gets for me - and from what I saw at PPV, I'm ready and eager to see it again.
I think this is one of the most absurd threads ever. It will have been 4 years since Jon was on the main stage and that was as WoMD, not JOP. Did you make the same complaint about all of the repeats over the years? This year was a solo show with a setlist like he has never done for 200 people only on a Wed night that no one forced you to endure.

Granted, I don't know much at all about this guy or his music, but come on, enough of him already at ProgPower. What was it a few year ago, special appearance by The Mountain King, then Weapons of Mass Destruction featuring Jon Oliva, and this year and next.

What am I missing?

You're missing a brain.
You are missing everything that has been said and much more! Jon is truly one of the greatest singers,composer, musicians.EVER
Granted, I don't know much at all about this guy or his music, but come on, enough of him already at ProgPower. What was it a few year ago, special appearance by The Mountain King, then Weapons of Mass Destruction featuring Jon Oliva, and this year and next.

What am I missing?

Taste in music?

- R
Granted, I don't know much at all about this guy or his music, but come on, enough of him already at ProgPower. What was it a few year ago, special appearance by The Mountain King, then Weapons of Mass Destruction featuring Jon Oliva, and this year and next.

What am I missing?

who are you?

I guess I'll be nice and just say Jon Oliva is an acquired taste...everyone acquires it at birth, Its rather unfortunate your chromosomes are screwed up. :loco:
While I am not a fan of all of Jon Oliva's material, I'm glad that he gets a lot of facetime at ProgPower. He's one of the underrated foundations of this particular corner of music, while never having the mainstream reputation that someone like a Dio, Ozzy, et al. has. I see it as an artist getting the appreciation that he has earned.

Not that it means anything to non-Oliva fans. But hey, you have time to go shop and eat. Look at it that way.
Maybe he was thinking that the same material was being played in all these shows? If that is the case then I can understand his point of view, even if I don't agree with it.
Whew, harsh.

His Wednesday night performance was one of THE surprise highlights of the fest for me. Absolutely stunning.

And he stuck around to do two karaoke songs, which will be posted soon. Hopefully by tomorrow night. (Zak Stevens' too.)
Unfortunately it looks like you have dug yourself into a deep hole. I don't think others see your point. I think you are on your own with this issue

Granted, I don't know much at all about this guy or his music, but come on, enough of him already at ProgPower. What was it a few year ago, special appearance by The Mountain King, then Weapons of Mass Destruction featuring Jon Oliva, and this year and next.

What am I missing?
What am I missing?

He's an icon for one. There's certain people that I think deserve a lifetime free pass to ProgPower and Jon is one of them. :worship:

I encourage you to start with Sirens and just move your way up to Poets and Madmen. If Jon Oliva's work over the years doesn't convince you, then there isn't anything anyone can say on this board to make you understand otherwise. In summary, Jon Oliva doesn't know the meaning of the word, sellout. :worship:

I totally agree that this is a bit too much fascination with this guy. I know Savatage's music enough to say I find it super Broadway-esque and cheesy.

But hey, opinions are like assholes. I'm with you on this one (and with most of the unpopular views, it seems...)