Fame, would you want it?


Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
Just curious to hear answers. Would you want to be famous and have everything that comes with it? The good and the bad


Replace ghoul with TMZ paparazzi of the week.
There are alot and I mean alot of famous people not getting laid dude...


And then there's Gary Glitter.


Sure why not? I wouldn't want fame for the sake of fame, but for the sake of the money attached to it. However, at this point I have my head on my shoulders enough to not be sucked into the downsides of fame. Plenty of famous people who have very little if any downsides to it (the ones who stay out of trouble and are just regularly left alone).
What brought this on , I was watching a little excerpt from an Oprah interview with Tatum O'neal. She has been famous since she was like 5 years old and was a child star. Well a couple months ago she got busted for buying crack and all the shit that went with it from the paparazzi. I mean that story has been told a million times for alot of different people. Her fame however, albeit she is not anywhere as close to as popular as she used to be still has a grasp on her. It got me thinking, when your 15 mintues runs out was it worth it? Yes for the money and the glory but you also get doggedd for the rest of your life, specially with today's media overkill. Just something to think about.

I'd take the money, but I'm not sure I'd want to be really *famous*. Maybe as "famous" as say, I don't know, Jon Schaffer... but not where paparazzi would hound me and I couldn't walk down the street.

Not that I think I need to worry about it. I don't plan on screwing any politicians, and at my age, I don't think there are many other avenues left to me. :lol:

I think I'd pass.

I probably would too. Whether it be an act of courage, a musical adventure, or a lottery win. Maybe enough fame to accumulate some cash and build a modest fortress to disappear to in the woods. THAT would be cool, maybe even cooler than getting laid! :lol:
I would as long as I got famous doing something I loved. If I was paid for "whoring" myself out of greed, thats when everything catches up to you.
Heck no! I like being under the radar. I'd hate not being able to go to the store, or dinner, or the movies, or an amusement park, or anywhere normal without being hounded. I'd hate everyone trying to take a picture of me in hopes to publish to tabloids. With cell phone cameras everywhere, I imagine you'd be snapped everywhere - public restrooms, the beach, bars, etc. I wouldn't want to feel trapped like that in life.

I'd take fortune without fame any day.

Steve in Philly
Give it to me any day of the week.

But you're ALREADY famous!

Oh, wait, that's infamous. Nevermind.

Depends on what I'm famous for...but for the most part, sure.

Exactly. "Hey, I'm famous as the guy who caught that pop fly that cost our team the World Series" is Bad Fame. "I'm famous because I cured cancer, world hunger and invented the first truly efficient solar panel" is Good Fame. :)

Manowar fame: Yes

Tom Cruise fame: No

Great way of putting it.

We were talking at work about lottery winners, and how many -- perhaps most -- of the big winners live more miserable lives, and sometimes end up destitute. (!) Not so much as a matter of incredible fame per se, just having the money and either living too high or being hounded by friends, relatives and not-so-friends for handouts.

As for me, I'd take a winning ticket...and hope to hell the money didn't ruin me as a person.
Pellaz: The lottery thing is interesting. A few studies I've read that either focus, or touch on it, argue that its that when people have too many choices they tend to become unhappy. Wealthy people start to wonder, 'should I buy the house on the lake, or the yaht.' Now, while a lot of us might want to say 'I'd love to have to suffer to make that choice.' But the point is there's still suffering. Its often in a retro form of wondering if things would have been better had they made a different choice. Whereas people with less money don't tend to worry about these things as much as their options are more limited.
I'd prolly take it... I'd love to get to where I only had to work when I wanted. I could build some pretty big walls around me and then sail the world in my yacht and be pretty damn happy. Yeah it'd be a pain in the ass in public, but I could deal with it. Then just pray to hell I didn't fuck up too badly, 'cause that's when fame goes south....