First Impressions (dont read if you dont wanna hear about CotE)


Oct 24, 2001
Atlanta, GA
This album is... challenging... In a very good way. The songs I immediatly have caught on to are A Pitcher of Summer and Wayfarer. I am big on the sing songy type stuff though.. and they are as close as it gets.

The rest is wonderful... in such a strange way though. In all honesty it was hard to think that all of this classical composition type stuff wasnt just a load of buggery... but after the first spin it makes perfect sense.

This record will take me forever to disect... its fitting.

This is not MotW... You guys (and girls... Mia's work is amazing.) have made something so wonderful...

Its just not what I expected at all... Thanks for that.
I friend of mine who is in Germany is buying it for me so I'll have to wait until early November...

I'm totally broke, can hardly pay my bills, but I still ordered it..........heart.
i agree , with chrome , its a tough album to get your head around.(im on my 2nd listen right now) So far my favorite songs are Wayfarer and the manifold curiosity. The new album's clean parts are layered so good. Trumpet/violin/viola are all greatly done. The heavy parts are layered and very dense.The clean vocals are more "delicate"? this time around(ie wayfarer) Must be listened to with headphones imo , to catch all the small subtles'.
my tentative ranking of favourites:


The Antique


The Manifold Curiousity

A Pitcher of Summer

all good, though. and, i think Marathon and Manifold have more to be plumbed and might shoot up the rankings.
I really like the density and br00tality of Antique. the vocals are just so fucked up and awesome. the blasting I could actually care less about, but thankfully it's used much more atmosphericly and mixed in a way that it flows well and the drums don't overpower everything.

but whatev - it's all good stuff.
All of the vocals rule... all the screamy stuff is super crazy... on Manifold im not sure what is up with the vocals at the beggining.. trippy though!
Demonspell said:
Massive and headphones required are words I like to hear...can't wait until my next Laser's Edge haul, the most prized item therein will be Choirs Of The Eye.
Did you grab a copy of Emotional Wasteland? If not, you should, Unicorn albums as you probably know are impossible to find.
First listen in progress now. I love it. It seems very abstract and instrumental based, but far far more engrossing than (the already quite engrossing) last two motW albums. I haven't made it through too much of the album yet, but what I've heard so far is fucking great.