For the sake of Progressive Power Metal


Jul 6, 2007
Dear Progpower Metal fans,

I usually don't like to post on forums to my band's benefit. But it will be a sad day in underground Metal history if "Face Time Police", a new metal/punk band from Chicago beats Outworld in the Famecast competition.

If you want to see Outworld live from Monday night, here is the link: then go to Stage 7 (Metal)

You can register there and then vote for whichever band you want. But Outworld is the ONLY Progressive Power Metal based band in the competition.
Outworld will win $10,000 if we place 1st........right now we are in 2nd...and the new metal/punk band is in 1st place. The winnings will go towards keeping our Brazilian singer in the USA since Immigration costs are so high.

Thanks so much for your time folks! See you in 2 months at ProgPower USA 8! Weeeee! :)

Bobby W.
Yeah guys and gals PLEASEEEEEEEE go and vote for our friends in OUTWORLD, help Progressive/Power metal grow, too bad they only let you vote once.
God damn that punk metal band was horrible. Voted. I also think that that Bangalesh band or whatever beat out Stride last year for that Bon Jovi show at Giants Stadium.
Outworld gets my VOTE! Great set guys!

Bangladesh are awesome guys and they're helping us get MindFlow a date in Austin. If it weren't for Outworld, these guys would have my vote.

GOOD LUCK OUTWORLD! We need to keep Carlos here in the U.S.!

EDIT: Wow, I just watched FTP. I will try to hold my tongue from comments about "FTP" but I swear if they win this competition, Famecast will be nothing more than another tool for marketing to angry teenagers so they have something more to do than post on myspace. :rolleyes:

I'll go vote in just a minute.

BTW, Bobby, I think it was you who kindly bought me a drink (a Diet Coke; I'm a cheap date :)) at TX Madfest and then I suddenly vanished almost in mid-conversation. Sorry about that, John had dragged me away to the patio. :heh:
Dear Progpower Metal fans,

I usually don't like to post on forums to my band's benefit. But it will be a sad day in underground Metal history if "Face Time Police", a new metal/punk band from Chicago beats Outworld in the Famecast competition.

If you want to see Outworld live from Monday night, here is the link: then go to Stage 7 (Metal)

You can register there and then vote for whichever band you want. But Outworld is the ONLY Progressive Power Metal based band in the competition.
Outworld will win $10,000 if we place 1st........right now we are in 2nd...and the new metal/punk band is in 1st place. The winnings will go towards keeping our Brazilian singer in the USA since Immigration costs are so high.

Thanks so much for your time folks! See you in 2 months at ProgPower USA 8! Weeeee! :)

Bobby W.

Bobby, watch what your asking for, because if your band breaks big someone will accuse you of "selling out"! :rolleyes: I'm being sarcastic, but it seems to be true anymore. I'm more than happy to vote for you guys.

Well, Outworld is up by over 100 votes. In this competition, that looks like a landslide. Keep up the voting!