Gene Simmons rips Obama a new one

It's not like Gene Simmons has any idea of what he's talking about whatsoever. He's a moron. He started a label that flopped and even Bob Lefsetz called him out on how much of a dumbass he is to his face.
I do believe he likes to talk out of his ass, and has an ego the size of Jupiter....but the man is not stupid (not saying I agree with this video). So he has had a few bad business decisions....most people with lots of money venture into something that fails....its called taking a risk. Vince McMahon owner of the WWE did it with the XFL which bombed...but I wouldn't call him a moron either.

Dude helped find VAN HALEN, helped bands like KEEL, and HOUSE OF LORDS.....took Rock N Roll, and flipped it upside down....and has a fan base that is almost untouchable.
I do believe he likes to talk out of his ass, and has an ego the size of Jupiter....but the man is not stupid (not saying I agree with this video). So he has had a few bad business decisions....most people with lots of money venture into something that fails....its called taking a risk. Vince McMahon owner of the WWE did it with the XFL which bombed...but I wouldn't call him a moron either.

I would absolutely consider "talking out of your ass" a sign of stupidity. I also think it's funny that people are that naieve that they directly attribute KISS's success and Gene's success to him, as if he and the band don't have managers, publicists, agents, etc that get paid millions of dollars to brand both Gene and KISS.
I would absolutely consider "talking out of your ass" a sign of stupidity. I also think it's funny that people are that naieve that they directly attribute KISS's success and Gene's success to him, as if he and the band don't have managers, publicists, agents, etc that get paid millions of dollars to brand both Gene and KISS.

No doubt about it that Bill Aucoin (Deceased Manager), and Paul Stanley have helped build the KISS brand back in the day along with Casablanca Records but Gene has been the driving force behind all that merchandise which has generated tons of revenue, and fan interest. I was a huge KISS fan as a kid and have read much about the history of the band.
Merchandise starts and ends with the music which is bought by the fans. Just because he was the one who entertained and negotiated licensing merch deals doesn't mean we should give HIM more credit than he deserves. He talks like an idiot, walks like an idiot. He's an idiot. I take it that you didn't see him get demolished by Lefsetz a few years back and how remedial his knowledge on the music industry truly is. For example, mid debate he announced that Simmons Records was going to acquire the rights to that debate and had the capacity to do so even without Lefsetz's permission, when Lefsetz a lawyer himself, explained how he's a crock of shit.
I don't know whether Gene is a genius or an idiot savant. But I find it refreshing that there's someone in the music business other than Ted Nugent who is willing to take a political stance that isn't always left of center.
It's not like Gene Simmons has any idea of what he's talking about whatsoever. He's a moron. He started a label that flopped and even Bob Lefsetz called him out on how much of a dumbass he is to his face.

Let us compare his bank account to yours.
It's not like Gene Simmons has any idea of what he's talking about whatsoever. He's a moron. He started a label that flopped and even Bob Lefsetz called him out on how much of a dumbass he is to his face.

Given growing up in Israel, having family there and getting the opportunity to see what goes on from the US Jewish He has no idea about what he's talking about. /sarcasm
Let us compare his bank account to yours.

I never said he didn't have money or he was unsuccessful, I just don't attribute his success solely to him. By the way, if I won the lottery tomorrow and had a higher bank account than you, would that make me smarter? Sweet logic bro.
Given growing up in Israel, having family there and getting the opportunity to see what goes on from the US Jewish He has no idea about what he's talking about. /sarcasm

You mean the same guy that changed his name because his given name was too Jewy and therefore uncool (his own words, not mine)?
I love the tinge of racism in this argument. It's like saying a Latino person is right for voting on a bill that automatically deports every illegal immigrant back to their home country because he may have Mexican ancestry. HIS RACE MAKES HIM RITE.

Yep, I'm racist, because I hold opinions from people who actually lived in the place being discussed to be more valid than people who have not. And just FYI, that Latino may be from Cuba, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela...or even Texas.

Not all Jews are pro Israel. Hell, not even all Israelis are pro Israel. To suggest that being a Jew automatically means pro Israel or that all Jews are right about Israel is REAALLY ignorant. What about Palestinians living in Israel (Israelis) that are against Israel's policies and military actions? Are they wrong because they're not Jews? What about Jews that are against Israel? ARE DEY BAD JEWZ?

I'm well aware of that, I have quite a few friends who are from Israel and quite a few friends who are Jewish. And I haven't suggested anything, you're assuming. Gene Simmons grew up there, he has more knowledge about ducking things blowing up than I do, therefore, I will give his opinion about things in Israel a bit more weight than my friend from Manhattan, who has lived in Atlanta for the last 20 years and has only visited Israel once.

Oh yeah, the Palestinian who lives in Israel, s/he's opinion also has more weight, IMO, than said Jew from Manhattan who has lived in Atlanta for the last 20 years.

I hold that he has no idea of what he's talking about because he's a fucking musician. He's not a soldier, a general, or anything that would have any valid experience on this issue. And on top of that, given his open lack of music industry knowledge and how much feces he spews from out of his mouth, he has no credibility to really be believed with anything if you ask me.

And that is obviously your opinion. As you seem to place a higher value on military experience, would you take Netanyahu's opinion over his, as he was in the Israeli military and currently deals with the security of Israel.

PPS, I don't even think using the Jew argument is valid in your case considering in the same debate I referenced he made fun of Lefsetz's name for sounding too Jewy. That wuss changed his name because he was afraid of it being too uncool. For someone that turns his back on his identity, I find it pretty funny that he's even defending the people who gave him that name that he's so ashamed of.

And I'm the one being told my argument is racist? Wow. Yeah, go dunk your head in a cold toilet for a bit.
Yep, I'm racist, because I hold opinions from people who actually lived in the place being discussed to be more valid than people who have not. And just FYI, that Latino may be from Cuba, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela...or even Texas.

I never said you're racist. I said the idea of assuming someone is right because of his race is racist. And FYI, there's no way he could be from any of those countries because he/she would have to be American in order to vote in America and I mentioned he/she has is mexican (maybe 3rd or 4th gen). So you completely missed the point of what I was trying to say which is that just because this hypothetical person has a personal relationship to the issue due to his race doesn't mean his or her race is a factor in him being right or wrong.

ducking things blowing up than I do, therefore, I will give his opinion about things in Israel a bit more weight than my friend from Manhattan, who has lived in Atlanta for the last 20 years and has only visited Israel once.

I have Israeli friends that are staunchly pro Israel and conservative. Doesn't mean I believe they'd properly know how to fix mideast issues. If ANYTHING I would place more trust in neutral outside third parties to fix it -- not someone who has a staunch opinion. And by the way, how long exactly has Gene lived in Israel anyways? A Wikipedia search said he moved to New York when he was 8 years old. So yeah, I totally would place these issues in the hands of someone who experienced it when he was 8.

And that is obviously your opinion.

You were the one who sarcastically attacked me! Of course you're going to get my opinion. :)

And I'm the one being told my argument is racist? Wow. Yeah, go dunk your head in a cold toilet for a bit.

Yeah you obviously don't get it. Making excuses because of someone's race is useless, pointless, and ignorant. You didn't even bother to look to see that he barely lived in Israel did you? You just assumed that because he was born there that he has all that experience. Yeah, it's a completely racist argument, and an argument that doesn't even work because Gene himself doesn't even care about it. Even if we were talking about David Draiman from Disturbed who regularly visits Israel and makes similar arguments to Gene (although I wouldn't necessarily call David an idiot, I'd just disagree with him), all the experience of living there doesn't mean shit in terms of how to fix issues that he clearly doesn't know. I live in New York -- I saw the World Trade Towers fall with my own two eyes. Do you think I know what the solution is in terms of rebuilding the infrastructure there? Hell fucking no. I'll let someone who does know handle that.

Gene Simmons changed his name, because he was ashamed of his name and said it was uncool. You think I'd trust him on his actual opinion on Israel when he's too ashamed to take the stage as Chaim Witz -- you know, the name his Israeli parents gave him? And not only that, but makes fun of OTHER Jews because THEY don't change their names? How can you even argue his "US Jewish perspective" when he not only doesn't care about it, but is direspectful about it?

5:22 "the Jewish stuff doesn't work, it's not cool"

Anyways I'm not going to keep on this. These political debates are never fun.
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I never said you're racist. I said the idea of assuming someone is right because of his race is racist. And FYI, there's no way he could be from any of those countries because he/she would have to be American in order to vote in America and I mentioned he/she has is mexican (maybe 3rd or 4th gen). So you completely missed the point of what I was trying to say which is that just because this hypothetical person has a personal relationship to the issue due to his race doesn't mean his or her race is a factor in him being right or wrong.

Texas isn't a country, it's a state. Again, I stand by my statement that you need to dunk your head in a cold toilet for a bit because you're assuming way too much. I've never said that Gene Simmons was right, I said that having experience gives his opinion more weight with me than someone who doesn't...why...Oh look! It's those two countries that are going to have to be ultimately agreeing! No sweet talking UN person or other political figure is going to be able to force them. And both sides are highly emotional (kinda like you sound in this discussion) because of their experiences in living there. It's not just the politicians who are going to be making the decisions, it's the people who are there.

I have Israeli friends that are staunchly pro Israel and conservative. Doesn't mean I believe they'd properly know how to fix mideast issues. If ANYTHING I would place more trust in neutral outside third parties to fix it -- not someone who has a staunch opinion. And by the way, how long exactly has Gene lived in Israel anyways? A Wikipedia search said he moved to New York when he was 8 years old. So yeah, I totally would place these issues in the hands of someone who experienced it when he was 8.

No, but I bet they could give you some good opinions on their experiences growing up there and why they're for or against what Obama said in his speech and what they think.

You were the one who sarcastically attacked me! Of course you're going to get my opinion. :)

And you act like I'm a random stranger who just walked up and kicked you in the balls for no reason.

Yeah you obviously don't get it. Making excuses because of someone's race is useless, pointless, and ignorant. You didn't even bother to look to see that he barely lived in Israel did you? You just assumed that because he was born there that he has all that experience. Yeah, it's a completely racist argument, and an argument that doesn't even work because Gene himself doesn't even care about it. Even if we were talking about David Draiman from Disturbed who regularly visits Israel and makes similar arguments to Gene (although I wouldn't necessarily call David an idiot, I'd just disagree with him), all the experience of living there doesn't mean shit in terms of how to fix issues that he clearly doesn't know. I live in New York -- I saw the World Trade Towers fall with my own two eyes. Do you think I know what the solution is in terms of rebuilding the infrastructure there? Hell fucking no. I'll let someone who does know handle that.

1. didn't assume he lived there because of the colour of his skin, learned that through an interview he did with Larry King (who specifically asked him about his experiences growing up there), while I was skipping through channels one night. No assumption, it's a fact in the knowledge base in the back of my head.

2. With your experience, I'd give more weight to your opinion in regards to your experience of the WTC attack and how its formed your opinions on what we should do with terrorists, than the people who weren't there and assume everyone who witnessed it, or lost friends/family want everyone who tries to attack this country strung up and talk to experiences like yours, instead of to you about them.

Gene Simmons changed his name, because he was ashamed of his name and said it was uncool. You think I'd trust him on his actual opinion on Israel when he's too ashamed to take the stage as Chaim Witz -- you know, the name his Israeli parents gave him? And not only that, but makes fun of OTHER Jews because THEY don't change their names? How can you even argue his "US Jewish perspective" when he not only doesn't care about it, but is direspectful about it?

Yeah, lots of people do that, and plenty of women get married specifically to change their name to something better. He was looking for the rock n roll lifestyle, he got it. And I'm quite sure his band manager would suggest that he change his name, too and probably would have received a decent amount of pressure to do so. But yes, I still trust his experience in having grown up with that, than an American politician who thinks he knows best how to solve all the world's problems.
I never said he didn't have money or he was unsuccessful, I just don't attribute his success solely to him. By the way, if I won the lottery tomorrow and had a higher bank account than you, would that make me smarter? Sweet logic bro.

Dear AeonicSlumber,

In an earlier response (the one I replied to) you initiated the idea that a single business failure as an indicator of his lack of intelligence. I offered the idea that he has had other successful business ventures that outweigh that failure.

I do not know Gene Simmons. I have never held conversations with him. I do not know what he knows, or what he doesn't know. Thus, I do not have standing to judge his intelligence or lack thereof. I have no desire to know it either.

As for if he is correct on the matter of which he spoke of, I am unsure, as what was provided could be interpreted in numerous ways, and lacks much of an argument. It primarily argues that Obama is ignorant on Israel affairs, because he doesn't live in Israel. I would agree that Obama has less information on managing Israel affairs, as a person who lives in Israel and has attempted to manage Israel. But I would then argue, that very few people have a working knowledge of these affairs. That being said, I do believe that all mankind has working knowledge on personal ethics, which can then be applied to affairs, which one has limited knowledge on. Thus, my beliefs on morality can be applied to Israel affairs. This would create my policies. I am not talking about the realism of those policies, the processes for implementing those policies, or would I know the totality of the effects of those policies. But I could argue that those policies are in line with my moral beliefs, and thus urge for those to be implemented.