Get the umbrella out...

Holy balls, if those Flower Kings live releases are still in stock when the new Symphony X hits the store, I might spontaneously explode with happiness.
Some more stuff coming today.

Pretty Soon Ill have to put my Wife out on the corner......:tickled::OMG:

She Hates what I listen to...When she comes down stairs She says """Your Listening to that Wierd Music Again""

But she Did like Most of the ( Airbag) cd in the car on the way to Long Island a few weeks ago....
Thankfully my wife has no idea how much I spend a month to feed my music addiction....if she did, it would be me out on the street corner!:Smokedev:
Thankfully my wife has no idea how much I spend a month to feed my music addiction....if she did, it would be me out on the street corner!:Smokedev:

My wife doesnt say anything we each have a seperate & a Joint checking Account ......:D