Ghost: I must be in the extreme minority...

Sure on those other two bands, but I don't see BOC at all. Their vocals and riffs are as similar to Ghost as Led Zeppelin or Misfits are.
I like you, so no offense, but have you actually listened to Blue Oyster Cult? The bands sound nothing alike. In fact, even though they don't sound like MF either, I'd agree that they're far more similar than they are to BOC.

Actually I listen to BOC quite a bit. Not saying it's an exact carbon copy or anything, I just think BOC is the closest similarity to Ghost. Ghost just being a lot more heavier and doomy. Vocally I think it is fairly similar actually.
I watched the videos posted and thanks for giving me another band to avoid in any form! The music bored me to tears, they are dressed up but just stand there. I don't see the appeal at all!!!
I get the feeling a majority of the "don't get it's" here are taking them too seriously. It's just good metal by musicians wearing their influences on their sleeves, chests, mitres, etc. Sit back, crack open a black kettle brew and enjoy! This is not a band to be much of this reminds me of the Witchcraft hub-bub from a few years it ground-breaking, earth-shattering? No, just enjoyable metal of the 70's variety, of which there just isn't enough goddammit. But, if you guys and gals are looking for a retro band to take seriously, seek out Spiritual Beggars, maybe there you'll find yesteryear bliss...

This could very well be true. Just not in my case. I just don't think the music or vocals are that great. I don't think it sucks by any means, but there's just nothing there to make me come back for more. No analyzing here, just doesn't click with me.
it's called SARCASM.

See, your post doesn't have any of that in it. I'm afraid you're going to have to try again.

After doing some extended listening, I really don't feel like Ghost has much staying power. I'd happily go see 'em live, but I dunno. Something just isn't catching my ear. There are a few tracks that get my head noddin', but for the most part it just kinda blends together after a while.
So, I've been listening to their album over the past couple days and I love it. Not the biggest doom metal fan, but I really dig this. I would love to see these guys tour with Bigelf.
Quick question: Does anyone know if they really are Satanists?? I'm leaning toward no, because most people who claim to be Satanists explain that their religion has more to do with Paganism.. and all of their songs are goofy as all shit, but I thought I'd ask.

I'm going to venture to guess that these guys don't take themselves too seriously, but want to entertain. It would be naive to think that they weren't doing this for the money though. Got to hand it to em' I guess...:lol:

Speaking of doom, does anyone know where are Jasonic and Diabolik? I haven't seen them in a long time - were they sent on "vacation"? :lol:

Nope. Diabolik still throws in the occassional post here and there. Jasonic has retreated to Chicago Powerfest forum in an attempt to rebuild the traffice there. As for how that's going, you can ask all four of the other members...

I kid..I kid...
When was the last time a metal band had this much hype? They're being talked up in the press by everyone from Phil Anselmo to James Hetfield to Duff McKagan to Kirk Weindstein...
Nope. Diabolik still throws in the occassional post here and there. Jasonic has retreated to Chicago Powerfest forum in an attempt to rebuild the traffice there. As for how that's going, you can ask all four of the other members...

I kid..I kid...

Ah, okay.

I feel like I might have just opened the floodgates...
When was the last time a metal band had this much hype? They're being talked up in the press by everyone from Phil Anselmo to James Hetfield to Duff McKagan to Kirk Weindstein...

Gojira. I said last winter to a few people over many beers that Ghost would eventually be the next Gojira and everyone gave me blank looks. Give it time. :D
I'm going to venture to guess that these guys don't take themselves too seriously, but want to entertain. It would be naive to think that they weren't doing this for the money though. Got to hand it to em' I guess...:lol:


1) the entire point of the band is that we don't know who they are (okay well now we know who a few of them are thanks to the press), so we don't really know if they actually believe it or not. It's naive to think that there aren't any metal bands that actually practice Satanism -- there are quite a few. I think it's stupid as hell, but the truth is the truth.

2) It's doubly naive to pretend that in 2011 any band starts with the initiative to make money.
When was the last time a metal band had this much hype? They're being talked up in the press by everyone from Phil Anselmo to James Hetfield to Duff McKagan to Kirk Weindstein...

Well, I'll thank any metal band that brings focus back to metal in all it's forms. Maybe them kids will like Ghost, and then move on to other metal! It could be a great thing for the metal community.