Good Band. Bad Promoter.


Iced Guardian was taken:)
Mar 27, 2004
OPETH Explain Cancelled Appearance At Poland's HunterFest
Posted on Sunday, August 13, 2006 at 04:09:49

As previously reported, OPETH pulled out of Poland's HunterFest, which took place yesterday(August 12). The band have posted this message at their official website:

"Opeth would like to apologize once again to their fans for pulling out of the Polish Hunterfest. Despite what the promoter has put on his website this is entirely the promoters fault. After a trying day logistically due to events at Heathrow airport, problems were further compounded by being led 'a song and dance' by the promoter who failed to pay the money due to the band contractually. Firstly the money that was supposedly wired to the band never cleared, then a supposed last minute Western Union transfer failed to materialize.

In our view the promoter is totally unprofessional and inexperienced. Opeth have lost a lot of money through his actions and we intend to pursue this through court.

Once again Opeth apologize to the fans that were mislead into buying tickets by an unscrupulous promoter who never intended paying the band in the first place."

Sucks for the Poland crowd. I know I'd be pissed if Opeth cancelled a show I was attending. Just goes to show that being a good promoter is hard work.
nailz said:
It's always about the money. Opeth are totally lame for not wanting to do it all for free.

end sarcasm.
Really, I thought these bands were in it for the music...the art.

*I'll edit this just in case someone doesn't get that I was using sarcasm above. Can't be too sure around here these days.
I couldn't agree with you more. Of course the bands that we collectively listen to create music for the love and art of it, but when it boils down to it, they sure as hell aren't going to say you know what, we'll just play for free for our fans...
Theandromedastrain said:
It sure does make you wonder whether bands care about the fans and music, or the money...
Well, I don't know what you do for a living, but I'm a newspaper reporter and I do it for the money. Sure, I want to write copy that is informative and somewhat entertaining for the readers, but if I wasn't getting paid, forget it. I'd move up into the mountains, live off the land and start the proverbial life-affirming novel that is suppose to be every writer's dream :rolleyes:.
Magius said:
Starving, for artists or anyone else, is highly over rated.


Sorry guys, but I'm on Opeth's side with this one. It's hella expensive to do international travel for a show. I can imagine a local band doing a big show for free, to get the awesome opportunity and spread their name around. I can imagine traveling a hundred miles for no pay, if the gig was awesome and would be worth it.

But all of Opeth's crew, gear, and management/assistants, to Poland, with no paycheck? Not even minimal?

That sucks. Flat out.