Good chance that SymX is playing with Halford in NYC!

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Being a HUGE fan of Halford (as well as being his web master for eons) and being a HUGE SX fan, I AM PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I recently saw SX at the World in NYC and was blown away. Can't wait for this one. Hope they play a LONG set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok heres the deal, I can get to this concert under a few conditions. I am only 15, so my dad wants me to go with someone. Is there any chance I could meet up with some of you guys at the show? I can get a ride there, I just need people to stick around while I'm at the show. This would be my first concert too :D
A key factor will determine if I can make it up to this show: the length of time that Symphony X are playing.
If they're only playing for say an hour, or anything around the time they had when they opened for Blind Guardian, then I won't make the trip. If it's two hours or more...then I'M THERE!!!
But I doubt they'll get that much time. Someone please tell me I'm wrong.
@The Yngster: I'm exactly twice your age (or will be by the time this show happens), and I generally just hang around toward the backs of venues, usually near the bar. My bones can't take the constant jostling of being too close. If you want to hang in the back, then sure, I don't mind (even though you're a Jets fan). HOWEVER, and you should double-check with both the club AND your pops, L'Amours is notorious for their shows going WAY LATE into the night. I saw Kreator/Destruction there and Kreator didn't come ON stage until 1 AM. Needless to say, that was rough.

@Prismatic Sphere: I wish I could, but there's no way in hell that SymX is getting more than 1 hour. In fact, they'll be luck to get that much. But before you decide to not go, I suggest contacting the club and seeing if they have approximate set times or something.
Originally posted by markgugs
@The Yngster: I'm exactly twice your age (or will be by the time this show happens), and I generally just hang around toward the backs of venues, usually near the bar. My bones can't take the constant jostling of being too close. If you want to hang in the back, then sure, I don't mind (even though you're a Jets fan). HOWEVER, and you should double-check with both the club AND your pops, L'Amours is notorious for their shows going WAY LATE into the night. I saw Kreator/Destruction there and Kreator didn't come ON stage until 1 AM. Needless to say, that was rough.

Well if you don't mind letting me tag along I'd appreciate it (if I do end up going). I probably wouldn't want to be too close either, I'm real skinny, so I'd most likely get bashed up pretty good if people decide to get physical. As for the late starts, that won't bother me or my parents. If I don't get back till real late then I'll just skip school the next day. I'd learn more from the SX concert than from a day of school anyway. And wouldn't it be easier to continue our football discussion in person ;) :)
You don't have to worry about missing school; it's a Friday night show (2/28). And depending the outcome of the AFC Championship game, and perhaps the SuperBowl, there might not be ANY football talk! :)
One more question, am I going to be a serious outsider here because of my age? Are they even going to let me in? I dont wanna book these tickets just to find out this is gonna be a tough time for me.