Good news followers of the Divine!

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Divinefire is back! First of all a very happy Christmas to my Christian brothers and sisters. All hail the lord and saviour Jesus Christ. I was born a muslim but do not follow any religion. I am what you would call a kaffir in muslim terms and will probably burn in hell for my sins and listening to heavy metal but anyway there is good news from the Divinefire camp. They had finished with metal but it seems Jesus called them back into the fray once again! Christian Liljgren was concentrating on Golden Resurrection but I was just reading that Divinefire will release a new album in March with 2 vocalists! German Pascual ex of Narnia and Christian himself. In fact both of them are ex Narnia to confuse matters further and both of them are baldies! Of all the Christian bands Divinefire was definitely my favourite one although the Golden Resurrection disk is pushing them close. There are no samples as of yet but I for one am looking forward to this album. Should be heavy, fast and very melodic and hopefully slightly less OTT lyrically than Golden Resurrection is! Happy Xmas! :)
That's interesting news. They could take a page from Allen/Lande and call it "the Battle". The Battle of the Narnia vocalists.

Both solid singers though, and Divinefire, while not very creative, is always intense and heavy.
This thread makes me laugh for so many reasons.

Is it funny cause you hate power metal?
Is it funny cause these Christians won't just go away?
Is it funny cause I amuse you with my over enthusiastic posting techniques and all round marvellous way with words?
Is it funny cause the whole thing is incestual in a musical sense and the fact that Christianity is involved also?
Is it funny haha or funny perculiar?

Please explain oh long term sleepy one!
Well for one thing, it's funny cause you wrote your post like a sales sheet (albeit, a weird one in which you facetiously hail Jesus and apologize for being born Muslim just to "sell" a band to the board). I just thought it was chuckleworthy, no bigs... and for another... well it's not my place and doesn't concern anyone here, so I'm not going to say it.
Well for one thing, it's funny cause you wrote your post like a sales sheet (albeit, a weird one in which you facetiously hail Jesus and apologize for being born Muslim just to "sell" a band to the board). I just thought it was chuckleworthy, no bigs... and for another... well it's not my place and doesn't concern anyone here, so I'm not going to say it.

Ok I wasn't facetiously hailing Jesus. I was being slightly over the top maybe in my words but I was being absolutely serious in saying that since today is the day that followers of the Christian faith follow as their Messiah's birthday, then we should give praise. If you thought otherwise then you got the wrong end of the stick mate. Also recently I have been listening to a lot of Christian metal. The reason I mentioned my muslim background for the board was that in case any one thought I had some kind of hidden agenda in posting all these Christian bands. Believe it or not I was thinking to post a song or two from Stryper's new covers CD but I thought again hehe!

Plus I was not aplogizing for being a muslim at all. How in the hell you got that I don't know. As Chuck once said you must have an "overactive imagination!" I don't consider myself a muslim at all. I am born to muslim parents in a muslim country but my upbringing is without religion hence i made the joke that a true muslim would call me a kaffir and burn me in hell. Another thing, if you find my posts funny even for negative reasons then I am happy although you shouldn't make too many assumptions. Sometimes I try to make my posts not too boring or mundane and this can perhaps rub some people up the wrong way and anyway you refuse to go into what it is that rubbed you up the wrong way exactly. If you have a problem send me a PM.

BTW I am not trying to sell any band to the board. Do you think I'm getting paid for this shit? I post music that I hear that catches my ear and that I like and I have extremely wide taste in rock and metal music. It's all for the love man and damn I have too much time on my hands, that is the most obvious fucking statement of all time! :)
Dude relax, I know you were being over the top, hence me laughing. All good man.

Oh and I had sell in quotes for a reason. I know you weren't literally selling the band as well.
I think they are all equally good, mainly because they are hard to distinguish from one another. If I had to pick, I'd say the first is the strongest, the third the weakest. Just because the first has my favorite Divinefire song, Live My Life For You, and the third as three songs I actually don't like. But I like the other ones, so can't say it's not worth picking up.
hehe I had to resurrect this thread for a new Divinefire track has materialised on YT and bloody fantastic and awesome it is too. Actually shockingly brilliant, awesome, brill and ecstatic all rolled into one and sung superbly by German Pascual. Damn the dude has an amazing voice. I can't wait for the duets from hell or should that be heaven with Christian.

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