Gulity Pleasures, music-wise


Jul 1, 2002
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Thought I'd start a thread for folks here to reveal their hidden guilty pleasures in music, or something like that. I'll start off by saying I'm a big fan of Jpop. I have aout 15 GB of Jpop videos on my HD, and the other day I went to a Jpop concert in New York, which rocked.

You may now throw stones at me, or join me and reveal a guilty pleasure of yours. Actually, I would prefer the latter of the two.
I've got my bag of stones what gate will you be arriving at Hartsfield; or shall I wait and throw them at Earthlink?

Just kidding; I don't care if people listen to other stuff, as long as they listen to metal, as well. I'll save the stones for people that refuse to give metal a chance!
Hmmmmmmmmm I have a wide range of music tastes, but I'll list
a few here:

Mike Keneally - Great guitar player, incredible songwriter, and one helluva nice human being. His own music sometimes borders on metal, Grateful Dead (Who I DESPISE!), jazz, and pop. with a little "jam band" thrown in. I don't know how, but he manages to make all the influences/styles work.

Frank Zappa - Superb composer, always had a kickass band as well.

Elliot Fisk - Classical guitarist

James Ehnes - Classical violinist ( you HAVE to hear him doing Paganinni's's shreddofiffic!)

Blues - Everything from Muddy Waters to SRV...Always had a soft spot for blues music, I miss being closer to Chicago.......

The Beatles - I can honestly say I've been a Beatles fan since I was like 8-9 years old. They still see a lot of time in my cd player, but unlike some people, they DON'T run my life....... ;)

I suppose my guiltiest pleasure is KISS. I guess that's a guilty pleasure; most people seem to think I should be ashamed of that one!

And, before you ask:

Yes, I was in the KISS Army when I was a child;

Yes, I have the ALIVE I action figures (safely tucked away in my closet, so people won't laugh at me when they come to my house);

Yes, I even have KISS comic books;

No, I did not paint my face when I went to see them on the Reunion Tour and the Farewell Tour...
Originally posted by James
I suppose my guiltiest pleasure is KISS. I guess that's a guilty pleasure; most people seem to think I should be ashamed of that one!....No, I did not paint my face when I went to see them on the Reunion Tour and the Farewell Tour...

Hahaha...I DID! I've been a KISS fan forever, since I was 5 believe it or not, and my parents "allowed" me to watch the live HBO special concert from Japan...I think it was around 1978 or so.

Somewhere around here I have pictures from the night of that show...I was Gene Simmons, and we looked awesome!
I guess I would have to say Rhapsody. It's like shooting up, I have my arm spiked and I'm like "Why do I do this to myself? :confused: " but after I give the cheese a squeeze... ahhhh.

Duran Duran, Hall and Oates, Metallica (Old stuff, not really a guilty pleasure but their new stuff raped the cool out of 'em), Steely Dan, Commdore 64 music, Herbie Hancock, Stanley Clarke, Stanley Jordan and a couple of other Stanleys.

I don't really feel guilty about it, but my guilty pleasure would be swing music and dancing. I love most all swing tunes, new and old. I am also proficient swing dancer, and like to go out dancing once a week. :)

Oh, yes, and Southern Rock. :) I don't feel guilty about this, either, as I did grow up with the stuff, but I really enjoy Lynyrd Skynyrd, .38 Special and the like.

Originally posted by Antiharpist
I guess I would have to say Rhapsody. It's like shooting up, I have my arm spiked and I'm like "Why do I do this to myself? :confused: " but after I give the cheese a squeeze... ahhhh.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
That's the funiest damn description of Rhapsody I have ever heard!!!! only because it's true!

Dude...I cannot belive your from gotta hang out with us one day.....

From what I have read in the above post' guilty listening pleasures are tame on comparission....I have some odd ball tastes, but everyone here has got me beat hands down!

Originally posted by JayDubya
Blues - Everything from Muddy Waters to SRV...Always had a soft spot for blues music, I miss being closer to Chicago.......


JayDubya...check out Indigenous at, a group of Sioux, three brothers and a sister. The chick is the drummer, then they’ve got a percussionist, bassist and guitarist. Mato Tanji (sp) is clearly an SRV devotee but he is developing his own skills and since they are still young, the sky is the limit. And really, who in America has as much right as Native Americans to sing the blues?
Originally posted by chibitotoro
Thought I'd start a thread for folks here to reveal their hidden guilty pleasures in music, or something like that. I'll start off by saying I'm a big fan of Jpop. I have aout 15 GB of Jpop videos on my HD, and the other day I went to a Jpop concert in New York, which rocked.

You may now throw stones at me, or join me and reveal a guilty pleasure of yours. Actually, I would prefer the latter of the two.

Hmm I have no idea what Jpop is, so I can't chastise you for liking it/him/her/them.

My guilty pleasure is cheesy 80s music..all the stuff you saw on MTV back then..hehe :)
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle

Hmm I have no idea what Jpop is, so I can't chastise you for liking it/him/her/them.

My guilty pleasure is cheesy 80s music..all the stuff you saw on MTV back then..hehe :)

Then you'd love the last 2 concerts I saw....

Who woulda thunk that in the past 9 days, I've seen Ratt, L.A. Guns, Warrant, Dokken & Def Leppard :eek:

In 2002 no less :D
markgugs, have you ever seen Triumph the Insult Comic Dog on Late Night with Conan OBrien? they did a bit with Bon Jovi, I know you're living in Jersey. It's a huge file so I don't know if I can email it but it is funnier than shit.

Triumph: I understand you have a part in a vampire movie.

Jon Bon Jovi: Yes...

Triumph: finally...a role that REQUIRES you to suck!
Originally posted by lizard
markgugs, have you ever seen Triumph the Insult Comic Dog on Late Night with Conan OBrien? they did a bit with Bon Jovi, I know you're living in Jersey. It's a huge file so I don't know if I can email it but it is funnier than shit.

Triumph: I understand you have a part in a vampire movie.

Jon Bon Jovi: Yes...

Triumph: finally...a role that REQUIRES you to suck!

I HAVE seen Triumph, a number of times, and he's the funniest damned thing going! :lol:

I've never seen that bit, but the one at the Star Wars Episode II premiere is absolutely priceless...if you are able to send large files, send the Bon Jovi one to If not, ahhh