Gulity Pleasures, music-wise

There is NO doubt that the Bon Jovi Triumph bit is one of the best that have been done. It's tied with Triumph getting kicked out of the dog show a couple years ago.......

"Did Richie Feather his pubes?" - Triumph to Heather Locklear

Originally posted by James
I suppose my guiltiest pleasure is KISS. I guess that's a guilty pleasure; most people seem to think I should be ashamed of that one!

And, before you ask:

Yes, I was in the KISS Army when I was a child;

Yes, I have the ALIVE I action figures (safely tucked away in my closet, so people won't laugh at me when they come to my house);

Yes, I even have KISS comic books;

No, I did not paint my face when I went to see them on the Reunion Tour and the Farewell Tour...

yeah, i dig KISS too, so much so i bought 5 of their roadcases used by them from 1977-1996. you wanna talk about shipping charges?

still am in the KISS army....have two of each the comic....and i have the paint your face makeup kit, but never opened it.
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle

Hmm I have no idea what Jpop is, so I can't chastise you for liking it/him/her/them.

My guilty pleasure is cheesy 80s music..all the stuff you saw on MTV back then..hehe :)

Jpop is Japanese pop music. It comes in many many forms, and I enjoy most of them for various reasons. The music, while still being pop, is far superior to American pop music. American pop is just pre-packaged, pre-fabricated shlock that is crammed down the consumer's throught through a vastly wealthy and powerful marketing machine. With Jpop, a lot of the acts actually write their own music; there is true experimentation in the music; if you listen to the top 40 in Japan you'll hear elements of disco, rock, traditional latin and asian themes, and everything in between. Every artist is unique, and that's why I love it. Plus, god help me, those Japanese chicks are just so hot!!