Halloween Traditions?


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Do you celebrate Halloween, or something else (like Samhain)?

Do you have any traditions for Halloween/Samhain/whatever it is that you celebrate?

If you do celebrate Halloween, do you still dress up?

If so, what will you be wearing this year?
lol, fuck halloween, fuck it.....if anybody comes trick or treating at my door they will be sent away with a fat lip and a black eye!!

lol...nah i dont do anything for halloween, i dont really see the point.
Originally posted by abrasiverock
Nope, I just celebrate my birthday by downing a bottle of Jameson and trying to forget that it's my birthday.

Halloweens not too awful bad, All that fatening free candy to gorge yourself with, That spooky atmosphere, Hanging with friends, At least you think thats whos behind those costumes :) Works for me as long as im not stuck home handing out candy:D
Hi Jax! :)

:bah: I don't answer my door to the little bastards. I make no effort to hide the fact that I'm ignoring them, I just let them knock for a while until they get bored.
But if I did celebrate and dress up, I'd love to wear that devil costume that Homer Simpson wore when he visited Marge in prison.

Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned that. :s
Hi Lee!

You big meanie, making the poor kids knock on your door for nothing..hmpf, I'll never bring my son trick or treating to your house. :p

Oh wait, there's, like, an ocean in the way anyway..uh, never mind. :lol: :lol:
:lol: Yeah, it's called the Virgin Atlantic or something :loco:

Hey, I don't ask them to knock on my door! It's their damn parents! I bet they think to themselves "if we take them to lots of houses, and get lots of candy for them, we'll not have to give them an allowance or buy them candy for ages!!".
I know fi I had kids, that's exactly how I'd see it :D
Hey why didn't I think of that..my son has this huge bowl of candy on the table, & I still gave him his allowance today..damn! :lol:
Loved All Hallow's eve this past Oct 31st.
I did some of the usual witchy things and even went out trick or treating with my friends 9 month old son.
The usual tradition for a while was Type O in Philly.
Do you practice Lady?
Lady- I went thru the same thing you are going thru. I started when I was 14...now I am 23 and it took my mom and family till I was 17-18 to realize that I was turning back. Good Luck & Blessed Be.