Happy Birfday Cavegirl

thanks guys :)

I was suffering pretty bad with my glands yesterday so I pretty much spent the entire day in bed sobbing in pain, but I'm feeling a little better today, fingers crossed this new course of meds will actually help! Thanks for the birthday wishes tho, I'll have a proper party once I've recovered! I LOVE YOU TOOO hehe :)
yeah I felt so crappy on my birthday but today the swelling has finally subsided a little and I can FINALLY breathe without the use of some heavy drugs! I've still got a course of meds and I'm stilll signed off for a week yet but at least things are *touch wood* getting better! :) the only downer is I had to cancel going to ProgPower Scandinavia because I'm still contagious and too ill to travel :( Doctor said theres a chance I could suffer with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) for up to 2 months, which means no speeding around work and traveling all over the place for gigs for a while :( *cry* I guess its good news for my bank account tho!! :lol: won't get any abuse from Seetickets or Stargreen for a while :p
Sucks being ill on birthdays. I remember on my 20th I was ill with god knows what, everyone made a real sweet job of it but I was just too run down to make a good job of it, d'oh. In the photos I'm white as a sheet with eyelids heavy as lead...but a big smile plastered on each one, heh! :D

Enough about me already. Belated happy birthday, darling!