Harem Scarem?


Sep 29, 2003
So, being an AOR fan, sometimes bands slip past my radar (sucks getting old). Harem Scarem seems to be one of those. Anyone a fan? Any suggestions on where to start? Perhaps a greatest hits package? I know Justin or Brian must be a follower of these guys......
Drew ~
Mood Swings and their Self Titled album are arguably their best work. Those are the two i find myself listening to the most, and I love Harem Scarem. Their style evolved slightly over the years, but those two albums are the best representation of the 80's AOR style
huge Harem Scarem fan got into them late myself, right around Weight Of The World. Mood Sings is a good cd from their early stuff and Overload is IMO their best later cd. Pick up their dvds has well, really cool show from Firefest.
My fave HS is Higher. Weight of the World is also very good. Their final album before they disbanded was very boring for me as was Human Nature before that as I recall. They always have a few great songs dotted here and there but they can't keep it for a full album's length in their latter days. I'd have a listen to the Harry Hess fronted Frontiers project First Signal though. It's better than any HS disk since a long time.
I tried to like this band and bought Weight Of the World and Higher. But its just too pop and bland for my taste ... with the one exception of Overload. For this album they D tuned the guitars and added some real crunch to their songs ... similar to the last three Europe albums and the Scorpion's Unbreakable album. So the only CD I can recommend is Overload.
Weight of the World is an amazing disc. The guitar playing is amazing on all the CDs, even the later stuff. Everything that's been said up to now is pretty accurate. First Signal is definitely a MUST-Listen.
I discovered them when Weight of the World was out and then went back through their whole discography. Their sound definitely evolves through their career. I would have to agree that Harem Scarem, Mood Swings, Weight of the World and Higher are the best discs. They also released a couple discs under the name Rubber, and the lead singer, Harry Hess, released a Harem Scarem-clone band called First Signal with Dennis Ward a year or two ago.
I discovered them when Weight of the World was out and then went back through their whole discography. Their sound definitely evolves through their career. I would have to agree that Harem Scarem, Mood Swings, Weight of the World and Higher are the best discs. They also released a couple discs under the name Rubber, and the lead singer, Harry Hess, released a Harem Scarem-clone band called First Signal with Dennis Ward a year or two ago.

Yeah...the Rubber discs were recently re-released on Wounded Bird Records. They're a bit different, but you can't mistake the basic Harem Scarem sound. Also, Harry Hess released a solo disc (Just Another Day) on Frontiers about 10 years ago.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I just ordered Weight of the World and Mood Swings.....looking forward to them both.
I agree with what's already been said, so I don't have much to add. I got into them after listening to Weight of the World...and that was by accident! IMO, you really can't go wrong with any of their releases, but the sound "updated" or became more modern as the band trudged on, much like Gotthard.

I kind of hated that solo album. It was wimpy even by Frontiers standards.

Wimpy...yeah, but still well written....kinda like Harem Scarem "Unplugged". I guess I should also mention the Darren Smith Band, "Keep The Spirit Alive"...most of it sounds just like Harem, and it features the guitarist from Killer Dwarfs. Gotta love those Canadians sticking together!