has anyone taken their HAKEN disc out yet?

You know? I got the new Leprous disk and I've not even taken it out of the wrapper yet! I guess I better go change that and give it a good listen. Heck, I've only recently spun their previous one again after sitting unplayed for awhile and I was really impressed at how good it was. Leprous was definitely one of those that took me a couple of listens to really appreciate. Also helps that the Leprous guys themselves are really cool. I've spent quite a bit of time at both last year and even this year just shooting the shit with the singer. Of course, the Haken guys were really cool as well. I would love to see either one again at a show.
So - is the general consensus that the 2nd Haken offering is an improvement over the 1st?

Because I think Aquarius is one of the more interesting musical purchases I've ever made. I was delayed coming to day 2 of the set, and only caught the final song of their set - and that was freaking unbelieveable.

Sounds like I have another purchase to make soon...
So - is the general consensus that the 2nd Haken offering is an improvement over the 1st?

Because I think Aquarius is one of the more interesting musical purchases I've ever made. I was delayed coming to day 2 of the set, and only caught the final song of their set - and that was freaking unbelieveable.

Sounds like I have another purchase to make soon...

I've been toying with that question and I still don't know. They're too really different albums, but at the same time, they manage to sound like Haken. This one is darker I would say, but I wouldn't necessarily say heavier. Like I said, hard to explain. Regardless though, buy the album.
Absolutely an amazing disc. It is easily going to be in my top 3 for 2011. As noted above, it isn't as light or playful as Aquarius, but it has so much incredible depth and texture.

I've taken all my new purchases from PP XII and had them shuffling on my iPod. I just listened to the song Portals again. Does anyone else think that song was an homage to Dream Theater? I didn't realize it wasn't off the new DT disc until I looked down at the iPod. The legato guitar work followed by sweet sweep picking sounded a lot like Petrucci on the instrumental from SFaM. (I mean the comparison as a high compliment in case you were wondering). Regardless, this is a must buy for any prog fan.
Really dig the album. The only gripe I have is that that last song takes FOREVER to end. I could see myself stopping listening to the album at the 15-minute mark or so on that song and still be satisfied. Just a little bit too drawn out...must come from the fact that one of my favorite parts of Haken is their singer's voice...and when he's done in a song, I've already started thinking "next song". But this is a great follow-up to Aquarius, an album that made its way into my favorites list...probably all time, especially for a debut.
Disc of the year !!!!!!!!

My problem is --- as soon as I got it home from ProgPower, I bought a new CD player and waited for it to arrive before I played it .... well, the player arrived and I popped in "Visions" and then .........:erk: guess what ?? The disc wouldn't come out .......the player wouldn't eject the disc so I had to send the player back with the disc in it........

Luckily, I ripped the disc to my MP3 player before that happened so I can at least hear it from time to time ... the company claims that they will retrieve the disc and send it back, but I don't have high hopes .......we'll see.

Meanwhile -- I may be calling Ken for another copy, but right now its disc of the year for me ......... :)
Hands down my record of the year at this point! The incredible musicianship is woven very nicely into great songs. The title track flows so nicely it feels like it is 10 minutes instead of 20+. Love it!