Heath Ledger Dead

So far this morning I've heard he once had a heroin addiction and that he also had pneumonia at the time of death...

A sad loss of a young life but I'm more upset at the mistreatment of children thats been getting publicity in the papers- particularly the aboriginal children (repeatedly raped by other children...) as young as six with chylamadia and other STDs and left in the communities. What about that mother who gave her kid methadone or the one who tried to gas herself and only succeeded in killing her 7month old son, disgusting!
The preview of The Dark Knight certainly does show him giving an awesome performance and I really can't wait to see it. Sad news.

They are now saying that it was the combination of his pneumonia, sleeping pills and other medication that did it, but it can be hard to tell sometimes whether that is a cover for something else. Either way, terrible terrible.
Brokeback Mountain was a fantastic movie. Anyone who didn't like it (or didn't bother seeing it because they didn't want to see blokes kissing) can go to hell.
It's very sad. He seemed like a decent guy and had a lot of talent. Someone at work asked why we should care more about him that a guy round the corner. The thing is, if Heath lived around the corner from me and I knew him I'd be sad as well.
suicide has been ruled out apparently.

Church Group Vows To Protest Ledger's Funeral
A church group has vowed to protest Heath Ledger’s funeral because of his starring role in the hit film, Brokeback Mountain.

Reverend Fred Phelps's from the Westboro Baptist Church has allegedly produced a flyer urging people to “picket” the actors funeral because of his involvement in the Academy Award winning flick - which tells the story of a sexual relationship between two men in the American West from 1963 to 1983.

The distasteful flyer reads: ”Yes! WBC will picket this pervert's funeral, in religious protest and warning.”
The leaflet ends with a damning statement, about the actors tragic and untimely death.
”Heath Ledger is now in hell” it conintues. “[He] has begun serving his eternal sentence there - beside which, nothing else about Heath Ledger is rerevant or consequential."

The 28-year-old actor was found dead at 3.30pm on Tuesday, at his Manhattan home.

His naked body was discovered in his bed by a housekeeper, who called 911 after failing to rouse the actor.

NYPD sources say that Ledger was in full cardiac arrest when paramedics arrived on the scene.

Tragically, attempts to administer CPR were unsuccessful and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

jesus fuckin' christ.

It's very sad. He seemed like a decent guy and had a lot of talent. Someone at work asked why we should care more about him that a guy round the corner. The thing is, if Heath lived around the corner from me and I knew him I'd be sad as well.
Very true.