Heimdall - Status ?


Radioactivist Mutant
Jan 17, 2006
Post-Apocalyptic Tennessee
Alright, I've googled everything I can reach from within the firewall-restricted work-zone, and I can't find anything current on them. Info on their site and myspace seems outdated.

Scattered ramblings about an album that never happened in 2006 called Aeneid, but the only real recent news is about Giacomo Mercaldo leaving the band in 2006 and that they are looking for a new singer.

Do any of you "insider"-types know if they've called it quits or if they are still actively searching for a singer to crank it up again.

I absolutely love their stuff, so I hope they get it together again.
Well, they have a myspace page but it doesn't have any other news. On the bright side, it does appear that someone is logging in regularly. Why don't you send them a message?
OMG that band is horrible!!!!!!!!!!! Me and a friend both bought one of their albums long ago and that CD got one play and was quickly discarded! His voice was SOOOO irritating! How they ever got a deal is beyond me!
OMG that band is horrible!!!!!!!!!!! Me and a friend both bought one of their albums long ago and that CD got one play and was quickly discarded! His voice was SOOOO irritating! How they ever got a deal is beyond me!

This may be the first time I ever have agreed with you. I was in the mood for some power metal a month ago and picked up two of thier disc used at Metal Haven. Wow....just not good. I tried and tried a few times and couldnt make it through any of thier stuff without having to stop for a bit and come back to it later.

No, but really, three is more than enough exclamation points to say you like or dislike something. I don't like too many exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!1!111oneoneoen!1111!1!11 :lol:

Back on topic: I like this band too. But methinks they're probably pretty much done, since there's been no news of them since 2006. Oh well. This happens alot in the metal world, it seems.
Pretty sad if it's done. I actually couldn't decide which lead singer I liked more. I was happy with all their releases.

I was hoping they would get another similar sounding dude with a thick accent and soldier on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I'd perfer less of an accent, honestly. That's my biggest gripe with a few Italian bands - sometimes the accent is so thick, it's hard to understand what they are singing. A singer with a bit less accent would be nice, for a change. ;)
You know, I'm right there with you on most bands, but for some reason, I thought it adds a cool character to all the tunes these guys have done so far.

"Glory's [eeeeeeeee]choes, invoke thy name" (echoes)

"The temple of [teal]" (what about mauve and taupe)

I always m[eeeee]ss you (miss)

Up there you s[eeeee]t (sit)

"The [lard] of the sky" (lord.......figured he would say [farce] of the earth instead of force too, but he says force correctly)

Lots of little long-short vowel fun and games, but for some reason instead of annoying me, I think it makes these guys sound more classy when they are singing about Norse Epic-ness :)

Oh, hell, I like the Japano-Engrish that Galneryus throws down too :)

I'd perfer less of an accent, honestly. That's my biggest gripe with a few Italian bands - sometimes the accent is so thick, it's hard to understand what they are singing. A singer with a bit less accent would be nice, for a change. ;)
I enjoy this band. Never really knew much about them, I found one album for 5 or 7 bucks at the Lasers Edge table at PP years ago.

Hope they havent called it quits
After reading this thread, I went home and got out my copy of "The Almighty" and I forgot how much I really loved that album. Anybody know how many albums they actually had?

They definitley go into that category of The Great Disappearing Bands.

anyone remember Galloglass? I fucking loved that band, they had 2 albums, the bass player and one guitarist left, then the singer left and they got Mac to replace him, them Mac retired....their website has benn left un-updated for months now!

what about Oratory? another 2 album band that disappeared. Their album Beyond Earth is one of my favorite albums of all time and is my favorite female fronted metal album ever. They began work on a new album, then disappeared. Their website has also been untouched for about 2 years now.

Why are all these great bands disappearing????
Yes, I love Galloglass' first CD for sure, I haven't bought their 2nd one yet. I hate that they disintegrated. Sad.

Heimdall (4 releases)

Lord of the Sky
The Temple of Theil
The Almighty
Hard as Iron

Supposedly a new album was being worked on in 2006, don't know it's status after loss of singer.
do not get Galloglass' 2nd cd, it is total crap compared to Legends from Now and nevermore, probably why they broke up :lol:
Yes, I love Galloglass' first CD for sure, I haven't bought their 2nd one yet. I hate that they disintegrated. Sad.

Heimdall (4 releases)

Lord of the Sky
The Temple of Theil
The Almighty
Hard as Iron

Supposedly a new album was being worked on in 2006, don't know it's status after loss of singer.

"The Temple Of Thiel"!! Thats the one! That CD stinks more than 10,0000 tons of doo-doo. If you ever see that CD, run like hell!!!
speaking of good bands who disappeared......

Holy Knights
The Storyteller
Forgotten Tales
Logars Diary

and most of all.....TIMELESS MIRACLE, a very very under rated band!!!